CAAB Result 2021 Bangladesh Civil Aviation Authority is published the mcq, written, practical and viva voce exam result on website in the result section. They already published the exam date for different posts. Candidates Now can download the admit card from
Civil Aviation Authority just published the MCQ Test Exam Date and Seat plan for the post of Instructor (English Language), CNS Engineer, Air Transportation Officer (Statistics), Rater (Aviation English), Accountant, Fire Supervisor, Driver/Motor Transport Driver, Store Man, Despatch Rider, Traffic Hand, Armed Security Guard.
On 23th October 2021, They have published the Results of MCQ examination for the post of Security Officer. They can check the seat plan and exam date from below links.
Civil Aviation Authority just published the mcq test result exam held on 22nd October 2021 for the post of Senior Officer. Candidates now can check the result from below.
Bangladesh Civil Aviation Authority just published a new job circular for the vacant position. Apply Online at
About Bangladesh Civil Aviation Authority:
Bangladesh Civil Aviation Authority conducts various activities of the airport including aviation related activities, flight safety and air traffic control of Bangladesh. The work of this organization is to maintain all the airports and provide various facilities. The head office of this organization is at Kurmitola in Dhaka.
Lets dive it in:
CAAB Latest Job Summaries:
Particulars | : | Information |
Organization | : | Bangladesh Civil Aviation Authority |
Official Website | : | |
Online Application Portal | : | |
Type | : | Govt Jobs |
Vacant Post | : | 1900+ |
Educational Qualification | : | Secondary, Higher Secondary, Graduation and Post Graduation Level in Bangladesh |
Age | : | 17-30 years (As on 2021) |
Application | : | SMS Based Recruitment System |
Payment Method | : | Teletalk by SMS (For Online Application Only) |
Payment | : | 560/224 |
Application Opening Date | : | 23rd May 2021 |
Closing Date | : | 20th June 2021 |
Post Name:
Group 1
- Assistant Director(Admin)/Assistant Director(Human resource development and general training)/Assistant Director(Personal Secretary to Chairman)/Assistant Director(Public Relations)/Assistant Director(Estate Management)/Assistant Director(Discipline)
- Assistant Director(Law)
- Procurement Officer
- Economist/Air Transportation Officer(Economics)
- Flight Operation Inspector
- Instructor(Security)
- Inspector(Ops)
- Assistant Architect
- Assistant Engineer(Civil)
- Assistant Engineer(E/M)
- Data Entry Operator
- Office Assistant Cum-Computer Typist
- Pump Driver and Pump Mistry
- Trollyman
Group 2
- Medical Officer
- Inspector/Inspector(AELD)
- Airwardiness Inspector(Aerospace)
- Airwardiness Inspector(Avionics)
- Aerodrome Assistant
- Assistant Communication Officer(Phones)
- Airport Fire Leader
- Wireman
- Lounge Room Attandent
- Motor Transport Cleaner
Group 3
- Programmer
- Senior Officer
- Physical Trainer
- Assiatant Security Officer
- Assistant Physical Trainer
- Surveyor
- Muazzin
- M.L.S.S
- Belder
- Mali
- Cleaner
Group 4
- Senior Systems Analyst
- ANS Inspector(ATM)
- Assistant Programmer
- Security Officer
- Radio Technician
- Foreman(Civil)
- Assistant Radio Technician/Teleprinter Mechanic
- MastLaskar
- Junior Security Operator
Group 5
- Aerodrome Officer(ATM)
- Instructor(ATM)
- Sub-Assistant Engineer(E/M)
- Sub-Assistant Engineer(Civil)
- Information Supervisor(Female)
- Information Assistant(Female)
- Estate Inspector
- Horticulture Inspector
- Sanitary Inspector
- Librarian
- Accounts Assistant
- Store Keeper
- Aircraft Marshelar
- Electrician
- Boarding Bridge Operator
- Bird Shooter
- Security Guard
Group 6
- Systems Analyst
- Aerodrome Officer(ATM:ATCO)
- Instructor(Fire)
- Inspector(ATC)
- Inspector(Dangerous Goods and Ground Handling)
- Inspector(Aerodrome)
- Inspector(Aerodrome/AGA)
- Assistant Store Officer
- Assistant Accounts Officer/Assistant Audit Officer
- Motor Transport Fitter Driver
- Airport Fire Operator
Group 7
- Senior Programmer
- Air Transportation Officer
- ANS Inspector(CNS)
- Assistant Maintenance Engineer
- Gas Technician
- Assistant Draftsman
- Conveyor Belt Operator/Conveyor Operator
- Bataryman
- Surveyor Assistant
- Radio Cleaner
Group 8
- Instructor(CNS)
- Instructor(English Language)
- CNS Engineer
- Air Trasportation Officer(Statistics)
- Rater(Aviation English)
- Accountant
- Fire Supervisor
- Security Operator
- Driver/Motor Transport Driver
- Storeman
- Despatch Rider
- Traffic Hand
Group 9
- Maintenance Engineer
- Accounts Officer/Audit Officer
- Instructor(FS&R)
- ANS Inspector(Search and Rescue)/ANS Inspector(Pans-Ops)
- ANS Inspector(Met)
- Senior Cartographer
- UDA/UDA(Bench Assistant)
- Draftsman/Draftsman cum Cad Operator
- Medical Assistant
- Imam
- Purohit
- Telephone Operator
- Assistant Operator
Group 10
- Assistant Director(Avsec Ops)
- ANS Inspector(AIS)/ANS Inspector(Maps and Chart)
- Technical Assistant
- Security Supervisor
- Motor Mechanic
- Engine Driver
- Auto Electrician
- Fitter Mechanic
- Armed Security Guard.
Note: There are 10 Groups. You can apply in 1 post in each group.

Download Full Circular in PDF File from below links:
How to Apply for CAAB Job Circular 2021:
If Anyone Interested, They can apply through the Bangladesh Civil Aviation Authority Official Website at
Fill up the Online Application Form:
- Visit-
- Click on Apply Now Button From the desired 9 Group.
- Select the post from the list (There is separate group available)_
- Now, Fill up the form with required information.
- Input exact same Captcha code and Click Next
- Review the application form. Upload photo and signature [Photo must be 300 × 300 pixel (width × height) and file size not more than 100 KB and Signature must be 300 × 80 pixel (width × height) and file size not more than 60 KB. Colour Photo is a must]
- Submit your Application.
After successfully submitting the online application form, Applicants will get a user id and applicant copy. Save it for pay the application fees.
Payment Instruction:
After completing the CAAB online application form, Applicants need to pay the application fees. The time limit is 72 hours.
Payment Amount is- 224/560 TK. Pay the Application fees using a Teletalk SIM. Please the Pay the Application Fees with the following format:
First SMS:
CAAB <space> USER ID and Send SMS to 16222
Example: CAAB KDHFHD send send it to 16222.
Reply: Applicant’s Name. Taka 224/560 will be charged as application fees. Your PIN Is 12378975. To Pay Fee, Type CAAB <space> YES <space> PIN and Send to 16222.
Second SMS:
CAAB <space> YES <space> PIN and Send SMS to 16222.
Example: CAAB YES 12378975 and Send to 16222.
Reply: Congratulations. Applicant’s Name, Payment Complete Successfully for CAAB. Application for post ** USER ID (KDHFHD) and Password (*).
N.B: Please preserve the User ID and Password. You will need User ID and Password to download Admit card.
CAAB Admit Card Download:
Bangladesh Civil Aviation Authority will publish the admit card on the official job application website. Applicants can download the admit card from They just need login with their user id and password to download the admit card.
Applicants can also follow the below instruction to download the admit card. The admit card is available for the below post now:
- Procurement Officer
- Inspector(Ops)
- Data Entry Operator
- Trollyman
- Medical Officer
- Aerodrome Assistant
- Airport Fire Leader
- Lounge Room Attandent
- Assistant Security Officer
- Surveyor
- Muazzin
- Assistant Programmer
- Radio Technician
- Assistant Radio Technician/Teleprinter Mechanic
- Junior Security Operator
- Aerodrome Officer(ATM)
- Sub-Assistant Engineer(Civil)
- Information Supervisor(Female)
- Information Assistant(Female)
- Estate Inspector
- Horticulture Inspector
- Librarian
- Aircraft Marshelar
- Security Guard
- Aerodrome Officer(ATM:ATCO)
- Inspector(ATC)
- Inspector(Dangerous Goods and Ground Handling)
- Inspector(Aerodrome)
- Inspector(Aerodrome/AGA)
- Assistant Store Officer
- Assistant Accounts Officer/Assistant Audit Officer
- Airport Fire Operator
- Sub-Assistant Engineer(E/M)
- Accounts Assistant
- Bird Shooter
- Security Operator
How to Download CAAB Admit Card:
- Visit-
- Click on Admit Card Button from menu.
- Type User id and Password.
- Now, Click Submit to Download the Admit Card.
CAAB Exam Date and Seat Plan:
It is hereby informed for the information of all concerned that MCQ examination will be held as per the following schedule for recruitment of manpower in the following posts as per the appointment notification published on 18/05/2021.
Post Name | Exam Date |
Instructor (English Language), CNS Engineer, Air Transportation Officer (Statistics), Rater (Aviation English), Accountant, Fire Supervisor, Driver/Motor Transport Driver, Store Man, Dispatch Rider, Traffic Hand | 29th October 2021 |
Armed Security Guard | 30th October 2021 |
Office Assistant Cum Computer Typist | 5th November 2021 |
MLSS | 6th November 2021 |
CAAB Instructor (English Language), CNS Engineer, Air Transportation Officer (Statistics), Rater (Aviation English), Accountant, Fire Supervisor, Driver/Motor Transport Driver, Store Man, Dispatch Rider, Traffic Hand , Armed Security Guard Exam Date
All the candidates have already been given SMS by Teletalk Bangladesh Limited to collect the admit card from the website on their registered mobile number. Candidates must need to carry that admit card to participated in the examination. MCQ exam venue and schedule are as follows:

CAAB Office Assistant Cum Computer Typist and MLSS Exam Date
It is hereby informed for the information of all concerned that MCQ examination will be held as per the following schedule for recruitment of manpower in the following posts as per the appointment notification published on 16/05/2011. Teletalk Bangladesh Limited has already provided SMS to all the candidates applying for the given posts on their mobile numbers to collect the examination schedule and admit card. Candidates must be brought along the admit card to participate in the MCQ exam. The MCQ exam venue and schedule are as follows:

Civil Aviation Authority Exam Result 2021
Bangladesh Civil Aviation Authority is published the exam result on Candidates who have sit on the mcq, written, viva exam can check the result from The Practical Exam Result will also be available on this website.
To Check CAAB Result:
- Visit-
- Tap on the Result Section
- Tap on MCQ/Preliminary Result
- Now Download the result according to the post.
CAAB Security Officer Exam Result 2021
It is hereby informed that MCQ examination for the following 01 (one) category posts of Bangladesh Civil Aviation Authority is being held today 23/10/2021 at 03.30 pm at various centers. The following candidates have passed the MCQ examination to participate in the written examination. The written test of the successful candidates will be held later.

CAAB Senior Officer Result 2021
Civil Aviation Authority just published mcq exam result for the post of Senior Officer. It is hereby informed that MCQ examination for the following 01 (one) category posts of Bangladesh Civil Aviation Authority was held today, 22/10/2021 at 03.30 pm at various centers. Candidates now can check the list of Selected Candidates for the post of Senior Officer From below image. The written examination will be held later.

CAAB Accounting Officer / Audit Officer, Instructor (FS&R), ANS Inspector (Search and Rescue) / ANS Inspector (Pans-Ops), ANS Inspector (MET), Senior Assistant / Senior Cartographer ), Draftsman / Draftsman cum Cad Operator, Medical Assistant, Imam, Priest, Telephone Operator Exam Result

To view the full Result, Candidates need to follow the step by step guideline Provided Below or they can download the pdf file from the below links.
CAAB Exam Result 2021 (PDF File)
Exam Result | Download |
1st October 2021 | |
2nd October 2021 | |
8th October 2021 | |
22nd October 2021 | |
23rd October 2021 | |
29th October 2021 | |
30th October 2021 |
Civil Aviation Authority Bangladesh Exam Result- FAQs
CAAB is short form of Civil Aviation Authority Bangladesh.
Candidates can download the CAAB Admit card on
Civil Aviation Authority will publish the preliminary exam result within 30 days from the exam date.
Candidates can check the CAAB Exam Result of Preliminary Exam on website.
Caab senior officer mcq result exam held 22-10-21 roll no 12604564
Result publist ‽
২৯.১০.২০২১ এর Traffic hand এর MCQ রেজাল্ট আউট হবে কবে বা কখন একটু দয়া করে জানাবেন।
bookmarks this page to know the result for the post of traffic hand mcq test exam.
Motor driver/transport driver exm result kobe deba
The CAAB Drive Result will publish soon on the official website.
২৯.১০.২০২১ এর Traffic hand এর MCQ রেজাল্ট আউট হবে কবে বা কখন একটু দয়া করে জানাবেন।
CAAB Traffic Hand Result will be published within 7 days from the exam date …
The date for publication of result of Traffic Hand is not announced yet,,
৩০/১০/২১ তারিখে অনুষ্ঠিত আর্মড সিকিউরিটি গার্ডের রেজাল্ট কবে দিবে?
The Armed security guard result will publish later on this article..
Caab armed security guard MCQ result kobe out Hobe ektu Jana ben
29th october er storeman exam er result akhono pai ni.plz result published hole janaben.
স্টোরম্যান এর রেজাল্ট কবে দিবে দয়া করে বলবেন কি?
Please Post of Traffic hand Exam ruselt. দয়া করে ট্রাফিক হ্যান্ড পরীক্ষার ফলাফল কবে নাগাদ
The Result for CAAB Traffic hand will publish soon by CAAB. Follow this article for latest updates…
২৯.১০.২০২১ এর Traffic hand এর MCQ রেজাল্ট আউট হবে কবে বা কখন একটু দয়া করে জানাবেন।
29/10/2021 এর স্টোরম্যান এর এম সি কিউ এর রেজাল্ট কবে হবে একটু জানাবেন
Armed security grurd result published hobe kobe
৩০শে অক্টোবর CAAB এর Armed Security Guard পরীক্ষার রেজাল্ট কবে হবে জানাবেন একটু???
Plz kew amake CAAB er M.L.S.S question ta dite parben
M.L.S.S এর রেজাল্ট কবে নাগাদ পাবো?
Armed security gard result kobe dibe aktu janaben please
Motor driver result kobe hobe plz aktu bolben
অফিস সহায়ক ০৬/১১/২১
পরীক্ষার ফলাফল কবে দিবে, জানালে উপকৃত হব।
M.L.S.S ০৬/১১/২১
পরীক্ষার ফলাফল কবে দিবে,
দয়া করে জানাবেন
The date for publication of result has not announced yet, save this post for latest update about the result.
30-10-2021 tarikher armed security gurad er mcq result kobe dibe kew ektu bolen
6/11/21 MLSS exam result kobe dibe?
06.11.2021 M.L.S.S. post exam result kobe dibe ?
30/10/2021…এর রেজাল্ট কবে দিবে
৩০ অক্টোবর ২০২১ ইং অনুষ্ঠিত সশস্ত্র নিরাপত্তা প্রহরী পদের পিলিমিনারী পরিক্ষার রেজাল্ট কোনদিন দিবে প্লিজ একটু জানাবে।
they will publish the result soon.
Kbe result hobe
29/10/21 Setorman ar kobe result hobe.ata ki abr batil hoya gelo na ki
অফিস সহায়ক এর রেজাল্ট কবে পাবো জানাবেন,,????
29/10/21 Setorman ar kobe result hobe.
2rmed security guard er er result kobe hobe
29-10-21.Store man ar result kobe dibe janaben ki?
M.L.S.S Result kobe dibe..Plesse janaben…