Class 8 English Assignment Answer 2021: Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education is published the class eight english assignment questions with solutions, answers and notice on
DSHE is published the Assigned Task and Assessment Criteria on the basis of Revised Syllabus due to COVID-19.
Class 8 English Assignment 2021:
Class eight English assignment has been published for the week of 8th. Students now can check the notice and download the assigned task to complete the assessment Criteria.
8th Week English Assignment Questions:
Class: Eight
Subject Name: English
Assignment Serial: Assginment-3
Unit No. and Unit Title:– Unit-2: Food and nutrition
Lesson no and Title:- Lesson-1:Good Food, Lesson-2:Kind of food, Lesson-3:Our daily diet, Lesson-4: A delicious dish, Lesson-5: A little Plant.
Assignment: Lcsson-4: A delicious dish -Think about one of your favourite dishes. Talk to one of your family members who knows cooking and note it down. Then prepare the dish . Now narrate the steps how you have prepared the dish.
Instruction for writing the assignment:
Students arc asked to observe all the steps carefully and narrate accordingly.
Assessment Rules:
Excellent: Students will be awarded ‘Excellent* for relevant information, appropriate content & grammar, spelling, punctuation, complete communication and creativity.
Very Good: Students will be awarded ‘Very Good* for relevant information, appropriate content and grammar, spelling. punctuation, partial communication and creativity.
Good: Students will be awarded ‘Good’ for inadequate content, errors in grammar, spelling & punctuation mistakes, less communication and creativity.
Needs Improvement: Students will be awarded ‘Needs Improvement* for irrelevant information, inappropriate content, frequent grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes along with incomplete communication and

6th Week English Assignment Questions:
Class: Eight
Subject Name: English
Assignment Serial: Assginment-2
Unit No. and Unit Title:– Unit-2: Food and nutrition
Lesson no and Title:- Lesson-1: Good Food, Lesson-2: Kind of food, Lesson-3:Our daily diet.
Assignment: Lesson-3: Your Daily Diet-
1. Make a list of food items you take ever 1 day as breakfast. Brunch ( a meal between breakfast and lunch), lunch, afternoon tea(a small meal you can have in the afternoon) and. dinner and. identify what kinds of food they arc. For example-Protein, Carbohydrate etc.
2. Decide if your daily diet is balanced. If yes, give reasons.
3. If it’s not. explain why not.
Instruction for the students:
Students will read lesson-2 & 3 and collect the necessary information to complete the assignment.
Assessment Rules:
Same as eight week.

2nd Week English Assignment Answer 2021
Class: Eight
Subject Name: English
Assignment Serial: Assginment-1
Lesson no and Title:- Suppose, you have a foreign friend who is very curious to know about the ethnic people of your country. Now, prepare a fact file on them. You can tell about their dress, food, culture, sports and pastimes in 200 words. Use narratives, images, pictures, tables, or information as needed.
Write a report on- Ethnic People of Bangladesh
Class 8 English Assignment Answer 2021
Class eight assignment answer has been published on online. Students now can view the answer to complete the assignment.
8th Week English Assignment Answer:
Question Part: Think about one of your favorite dishes. Talk to one of your family members who knows cooking and note it down. Then prepare the dish. Now narrate the steps of how you have prepared the dish.
Answers Part:
I like to eat homemade food. Especially, I like to eat pudding. Because Pudding contains a wide spectrum of carbohydrates. Milk is the main ingredient of pudding, it’s a great source of protein, the custard is a healthy source of protein and contains calcium that is good for bone health. But I don’t know how to make pudding. So I went to my mother and learned the process of making pudding. And later I made my own pudding. The process of how I made the pudding is highlighted below.
4 tbsp Granulated Sugar
1 1/2-2 tbsp Water
Egg Mixture
2 Eggs
250 ml Milk
5 tbsp Granulated Sugar
Others Ingredients
Unsalted Butter
Let’s make a caramel sauce for a pudding of custard. Cover the inner surface with unsalted butter from the custard cups. It will make the removal of the pudding from the cups simple. Put the water and the sugar in the pot. Heat the pot to medium heat. Let it sit down until the surface is softly colored. Swirl the jar, including the sugar liquid.
Caramel the sugar and remove the pot from the heat. Quickly add the hot water in 2 to 3 steps. Tilt the pot away from you to prevent the hot caramel sauce from splashing and burning your side. Swirl the pot and even the hot caramel.
Pour the caramel into the cups of the custard. Now, create a mixture of eggs for pudding. Crack the two eggs in a tub. Beat the egg gently with a balloon whisk. Add the milk and the sugar to the pot. Switch the burner on. Stir in the spatula until all the sugar has dissolved. Apply the milk to the beaten egg and stir in the mixture. Sieve the egg mixture with a strainer. Now steam the mixture of eggs.
Fill the custard cups gently with the egg mixture. Cover each cup with a foil of aluminum. Then, heat the water in the pan and put the cups in the pan gently. Wait for 18 to 20 minutes. Put kitchen gloves on and remove the custard cups. Store them in the refrigerator when they’re cold. Now, Pudding is almost ready. Scrape the end of the cup with the tip of the knife. Bring out the pudding from the cup very carefully. After that pudding is ready to serve or eat.
6th Week English Assignment Answer:
Question Part: Our daily diet Your Daily Diet
- Make a list of food items you take every day as breakfast, brunch( a meal between breakfast and lunch), lunch, afternoon tea (a small meal you can have in the afternoon) and dinner and, identify what kinds of food they are. For example-Protein,
Carbohydrate etc. - Decide if your daily diet is balanced. If yes, give reasons.
- If it’s not explain why not.
My Daily Diet: Good food means the right kind of food for good health. It is nutritions. It must contain natural substances that our body needs to grow properly and stay healthy. Eating too much is bad for our health. So I follow the daily diet.
Answer of Question No 1:
List of my daily diet chart:
I think a good diet is needed to keep the body healthy. I try to include all kinds of nutritious foods in my daily diet.
Breakfast: Flour bread, Egg & Green Tea: Bread contains calories, small amounts of fats, and carbohydrates. Which is very beneficial for our body. Eggs contain a lot of protein. Green tea is good for health. Green tea contains one of the highest amounts of antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B, and vitamin C.
Brunch (a meal between breakfast and lunch): Fruits. I eat any fruit between breakfast and lunch. Fruit contains a lot of vitamins and minerals.
Lunch: Rice, Fish, Green vegetables: Fish contains a lot of calories, sodium, and protein. Rice contains low in fat and high in fiber. Green vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber but low in calories.
Afternoon: Green Tea: Green tea contains one of the highest amounts of antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B, and vitamin C.
Dinner: Rice, Chicken Meat, Green vegetables: Rice contains low in fat and high in fiber. Chicken meat contains Calories & Protein. Green vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber but low in calories.
Answer for question no 2:
Is my Daily Diet is Balanced?
I think my daily diet is completely fine for my health. All the nutrients needed for good health are on my daily diet list. Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. They keep our body free from diseases. they are also good for our skin and overall health. Your body uses protein to build and repair body tissues, to make enzymes, hormones and is used as important building blocks of bones, blood, skin.
Answer for question no-3
Not necessary
2nd Week English Assignment Answer
Ethnic People of Bangladesh
The ethnic people of Bangladesh occupy a large part of the culture of the country. Most ethnic people live in the Hills Tracts of Chattogram. Apart from Chattogram, they live in Mymensingh, Rajshahi, and Sylhet areas. They live in forest areas and in the hills in urban areas. Most ethnic people make a living by cultivating Jhum. For Jhum cultivation, they first clear the land and sow seeds in it. Most of the ethnic people depend on agriculture.
People of different religions live here. Most of them are Hindus, Christians, and Buddhists. They have their own language to speak. Some of them are the Chakmas, the Marmans, the Tipperas, and the Moorangs who live in the Hill Tracts. Ethnic people have some characteristics of their own. They have their own lifestyle. Their houses are made of bamboo or wood.
Which is called Machang. Rice is their main food. In addition to rice, they eat vegetables, fish and meat. Men wear lungi and women wear thamis. Women weave their own clothes. Animal hunting and fishing are their favorite pastimes. They like music very much. In addition to songs, they love to dance, theatre, and fairs. They have traditional musical instruments like bamboo flute, drums. Wrestling is their favorite sport. Ethnic people cover a large part of the heritage and culture of Bangladesh. We are proud of our culture.