College TC Application : Dhaka Education Board has published the college transfer application notice on
Applicants will be able to apply for college transfer applications online and board transfer applications manually from 10 January 2021 until further notice.
Applicants just need to visit, Dhaka Education Board Official website and go to the e-tc application for a college transfer application.
College E-TC Application Notice:
Dhaka Board has published the college TC application notice for the academic session of 2020-21. Students who are studying in eleventh class can apply for this TC application.
Eligibility for Application: To apply for transfer application from one to another college, applicants have to being studying in Class Eleven.
Reason for Application:
- Change of Residence: Applicants who have shift their house from one place to another can use this reason
- Parents Transfer: If Students guardian transfer to another district because of jobs or service, then the student can use this reason.
- Travelling Problems: If applicants college is a long away from their house, then he/she can use this reason.
- Financial Crisis: if applicants is going through a financial crisis then, they can use this reason for the application.
Available Seat List for Class XI (eleven) for the Session of 2020-21
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How to Apply for College TC Application:
Intertest candidates can apply for transfer application in Dhaka Education Board in E-TC Section from 10th January, 2021 until further notice.
Step 1: Visit- Dhaka Board Education Official Website
Students who want apply for tc application for college need to visit-
Step 2: Tap on E-TC Section
In Second Step, Tap on the e-tc button in left corner.
Step 3: Fill up the SSC Information
Now, Input SSC Roll Number, Registration Number and Passing Year, It will shows the information and application form for TC.
Step 4: Input TC Information
Now, Input Mobile Number, Select Transfer College and Reason of Transfer to complete the application form.
Step 5: Submit the Application
Tap on submit your application to complete the form. After completing the form, applicants will get an SMS in the registered mobile number with a security code and sonali pay slip.
Step 6: Print the Pay Slip and Submit it to the Bank
Applicants need to print the sonali pay slip and pay the tc application fees 700 to the nearest sonali bank branch.
Step 7: First College Receiving and Forwarding to transfer college
After 24 hours of successfully payment, First College i,e candidates colleges will get an SMS for transfer application. The college can reject or forward the tc application for processing according to the application.
Step 8: Second College Receiving and Forward to the Board
By following same process mention above, they need send the application to the board for processing.
Step 9: Board Processing
Now, the Board will process the application for approval.
Step 10: Board Approval
If everything is ok, then the applicants will get an SMS from the board for the approval of the transfer Application.

College Transfer Certificate Status
Applicants can know the college transfer application status from e-tc online application website. They need to visit the and follow the below information to check the college transfer certificate status.
How to Check College Transfer Certificate Status:
- Visit-
- Tap on E-TC.
- Click on Transfer Certificate Status from transfer application form.
- Now, Sign in to Start your Session
- Input, TC Class, registration no, roll number and security code to login.
- Now, The latest status of applicants transfer application will appear on screen.