NU Honours 4th year Result 2021: National University, Bangladesh Just Published the Honours Final year exam result on
National University just published the CGPA for Final Year of Honours 4th Year. They have published the result before with out the CGPA. Now, They have published the Honours 4th Year Result with CGPA.
Students now can check the result by using their roll number from the admit card on They just need to visit the official website, input the roll number to check the reuslt.
There is a step by step guideline is available below. Make sure to follow the below step by step guideline for checking the result on mobile by SMS or from online by Website.
The regular, irregular, improvement and non improvement students who have appeared in the exam of academic year 2019 can check the result and download their full mark-sheet, tabulation sheet from
National University just recently completed the 4th Year viva exam by Zoom Apps. They have completed the all process for publication of the result.
Students can check the National University Honours Final Year Result both in Online and SMS Method.
Everyone knows that the SMS Method for result checking system is easy, But we provide a comprehensive guideline where students can check the result from website easily.
Students just need to follow the below instruction and step by step guideline to check the result.
Let’s Dive it in:
Honours 4th Year Result (Important Dates)
Particulars | : | Information |
Academic Year | : | 2019 |
Session | : | 2015-16 |
Semester | : | Final/4th Year |
Result Publication System | : | Both Online/SMS |
official Website | : | |
Direct Link | : | |
NU Honours 4th Year Exam Result Publish Date:
According to the latest news, The National University Examination Authority may publish the Honours 4th Year result in 2nd Week of August 2021.
This is not an official date. National University will confirm the official date in website soon by press release on the official website of National University.
By getting approving from academic council and syndicate of National University, They will publish the result soon on
How to check Honours 4th Year Result (A Pictorial Guideline)
Step 1: Visit-
In the First Step, Students need to visit National University Official Website-

Step 2: Tap on Results Menu
In the second step, tap on results menu from right side top corner.

Step 3: Tap on Honours, Then Fourth Year
In the Third Step, Tap Honours to open the Fourth Year Result Link.

Step 4: Input Exam roll, Registration Number, Exam year and Captcha code
In the Fourth Step, Type the Exam roll, Registration Number, Exam year from the admit card and input Captcha code as shown in the image.

Step 5: Tap Search Result
Now, In the Final Step, Click on Search Result to find the Honours 4th year Examination Result.
NU Honours Final Year Result 2021: is the official website of National University. From this website, Students can visit the result section or go directly to which is the Official website to check the Honours Final Year Result.
How to Search Honours Final Year Result:
National University will publish the result both Online and SMS Method. They will publish the result online by their official result publication website.
In Addition, They will also provide a system where the students able to check their result by sending an SMS from their Mobile Phone.
From the website students can download the full details of their result with Mark-sheet. on the other than, They will get a Short Result from the SMS Method.
Though the website is published the full marksheet, but due to the server problem or down, the SMS Method is still very popular to get to know the GPA.
Students can check their result both Online and SMS Method by following the below Instruction from here.
How to get Result from
Students may find difficult to check the result from to worry, There is another website is available where students can check their result which is
Remember, This website is only opened in the Result Publication Date. So, If you try to get the result before the result publication date and time, You may not able to get the result.
To check the the result from, Just follow the step by step guideline provided here.
Check Now- National University is published the NU Honours 1st Year Exam Result on
Honours 4th Year Result by Online:
National University is published the honours final year result online. There are two websites are available from national university to check the result.
Students can get their result from or website. NU is published the result in both Website.
Before the publication of result, National University is published a press release on website which consists of Pass Rate, Statistics and More exam result related information.
How to get Result from
To check the Honours Final Year Result from, Just follow the step by step guideline provided here.
- Visit-
- Tap on Results Section.
- Tap on Honours and Select 4th Year.
- Type the Roll Number, Registration Number and Passing Year in the Respective Boxes.
- Input the Exam year- 2019
- Type the captcha code exactly shown in the image.
- Now, Tap on Submit Button to get the result.
Check Now- National University is published the NU Honours 2nd Year Exam Result on

This is how Students can get the result from
Check Now- National University is published the NU Honours 3rd Year Exam Result on
- Visit-
- Tap on Result.
- Now Select Honours 4th Year
- Then, Input Roll Number.
- Now Hit submit button to get the result.

This is how, Students can get the result by using the website.
Honours 4th Year Result by SMS from mobile:
National University is usually publish the result at 5 P.M. But if Any students want to know the GPA/CGPA of their result they can know that.
Student can get their result by sending an SMS. It is Fast, East and They can get their result before its publish on the website.
Now, Want to check the result by SMS, Then Just send an SMS by following the below instruction to get the result.
SMS Format: NU <space> H4 <space> Roll/Registration Number and Send it to 16222.
Example: NU H4 15162246300 and Send it to 16222.
Send SMS to 16222 from any Cell for recent Result
SMS Format: NU [space] H4 [space] roll_no
Example: NU H4 8101789
This is how, Students can get the result by sending an SMS from their Mobile Phone.
NU Honours 4th Year Exam information and result 2021:
The 4th year viva exam of 2019 has ended on 24th June, 2021. Recently they have published a notice to take viva exam for those students who was not able to participated in the viva exam. The new viva exam must complete within 15th July 2021 to 19 July 2021.
After taking the Viva Exam, The authority of National University will published the Honours Final Year Exam on
NU Honours 4th Year Result Challenge:
More Than 1 Lakh 35 Thousand Students Appeared The Honours 4th year Exam. The Exam Held in 140 Centers at 205 College.
The exam result will publish soon. But many students may not get the expected result. National University is published a notice where students can recheck their result by following the guideline and instruction available at national university official website which is
NU Honours 4th year Result FAQs:
You can get Honours 4th Year Result Both Online and SMS method.
You can check National University Honours 4th year Result from the Official website of National University.
You can check NU Honours 4th Year Result by sending SMS from Mobile Phone by following this format.
If the server is down, You can get the result from In addition, you can also know the result by sending an SMS.
Yes, You can recheck the Honours 4th year Result.
What is the method for download the honours final year marksheet ?
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