HSC English 1st Paper Assignment Answer 2022: Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education is published the Inter 1st Year English First Paper Assignment Answer, Work, Solution for 2nd week on dshe.gov.bd.
HSC English 1st Paper Assignment 2022:
DSHE is published the HSC English First paper assignment question on dshe.gov.bd. lets check the assignment work and content for the latest week.
2dn Week English 1st Paper Assignment Questions
Class: HSC
Subject Name: English 1st Paper
Assignment Serial: Assginment-1
Assignment: Write (in English) about a Bangla or English short story that you have read.
Topics & Learning outcome: Unit-13 (Food Adulteration), A learner will be able to
- A short summary of the story
- Write this personal opinion about the short story
- Write a creative statement about a story
- Use vocabulary suitable to comment on a story.

HSC English 1st Paper Assignment Answer 2022
Inter 1st Year English First Paper Assignment Answer has been published on dshe.gov.bd. Lets check the solutions and answer for the latest week.
2nd Week English 1st Paper Assignment Answer
Question Part: Write (in English) about a Bangla or English short story that you have read.
Instruction for the writing the assignment:
- Chose a short story that you enjoyed reading ( Either in Bangla or in English)
- Write within 250 words.
- The summary of the story (Focus on plot, characters in 5 to 8 sentences)
- Write what you like and did not like about the story.
- If you are asked to bring some changes in the story, what would be the change.
- A concluding statement.
Babette’s Feast I Two Ladies of Berlevaag In Norway there is a fjord – a long narrow arm of the sea between tall mountains – named Berlevaag Fjord. At the foot of the mountains the small town of Berlevaag looks like a child’s toy‐town of little wooden pieces painted gray, yellow, pink and many other colors. Sixty‐five years ago two elderly ladies lived in one of the yellow houses. Other ladies at that time wore a bustle, and the two sisters might have worn it as gracefully as any of them, for they were tall and willowy. But they had never possessed any article of fashion; they had dressed demurely in gray or black all their lives. They were christened Martine and Philippa, after Martin Luther and his friend Philip Melanchton. Their father had been a Dean and a prophet, the founder of a pious ecclesiastic party or sect, which was known and looked up to in all the country of Norway. Its members renounced the pleasures of [2] this world, for the earth and all that it held to them was but a kind of illusion, and the true reality was the New Jerusalem toward which they were longing. They swore not at all, but their communication was yea yea and nay nay, and they called one another Brother and Sister. The Dean had married late in life and by now had long been dead. His disciples were becoming fewer in number every year, whiter or balder and harder of hearing; they were even becoming somewhat querulous and quarrelsome, so that sad little schisms would arise in the congregation. But they still gathered together to read and interpret the Word. They had all known the Dean’s daughters as little girls; to them they were even now very small sisters, precious for their dear father’s sake. In the yellow house they felt that their Master’s spirit was with them; here they were at home and at peace. These two ladies had a French maid‐of‐all‐work, Babette. It was a strange thing for a couple of Puritan women in a small Norwegian town; it might even seem to call for an explanation. The people of Berlevaag found the explanation in the sisters’ piety and kindness of heart. For the old Dean’s daughters spent their time and their small income in works of charity; no sorrowful or distressed creature knocked on their door in vain. And [3] Babette had come to that door twelve years ago as a friendless fugitive, almost mad with grief and fear.