MIST Admission Result 2021: Military Institute of Science and Technology will publish the admission test result soon on mist.ac.bd. The Admit Card and Exam Date for the written admission test is available at mist.teletalk.com.bd.
They have informed the students on their register mobile number by an SMS. Only Shortlisted can download the mist admit card from mist.teletalk.com.bd. Students will need user id and password to download the admit card for the written test.
The exam date for written admission test is 5 March 2021. The Engineering (A) Unit exam will start from 10 A.M and will end on 12 A.M and Engineering+ Architect (A+B) unit exam will start from 10 A.M and will end on 12 A.M, again continue from 2.00 P.M and will end on 4.00 P.M.
Before, they published the mist short list of eligible candidates of A (Engineering), B (Architect) and A+B (Engineering + Architect) Units on 28 February 2021 10 P.M on mist.ac.bd.
Mist is published the armed forced medical college (AMC, AFMC Cadet), Dhaka Army Medical College, Cumilla Army Medical College, Chattogram Army Medical College, Khulna Army Medical College and Bogura Army Medical College short list today (28 February 2021). Students now can check eligibility by inputting their roll number on mist eligibility check section.
The circular was published online and the admission form was available from 4 February 2021 to 18 February 2021.
About Military Institute of Science and Technology:
Mist is the short term for Military institute of science and technology . It is an affiliated engineering institution under the Ministry of Defense (Bangladesh) and is affiliated with Bangladesh University of Professionals(BUP).
Though a military institution, both military and civil students can study in MIST. The aim of MIST is to conduct undergraduate, post graduate/Masters (M.Sc. Engg./ M. Engg.) and Ph.D. program on various disciplines of engineering.
Mist Recently published the undergraduate admission circular. Students can find the all the necessary information including admission date, undergraduate programs, qualification to apply, short listing for written test, examination and marks distribution, Application form submission, Required documents for quota applicants, admission test and admission test result on the circular.
Lets dive it in:
MIST Admission Roadmap:
Events | : | Date |
Admission Open | : | 2nd February 2021 |
Deadline | : | 18th February 2021 |
Eligible List publication date | : | 28th February 2021 |
Admit Card Download | : | 28th February 2021 onwards |
Admission Test | : | 5 March 2021 |
(Admission Result) Final Candidate List | : | – |
MIST Admission Circular 2020-21:
Mist is published the the admission circular for the academic session of 2020-21. It is now inviting application from Bangladeshi citizens who have passed HSC/GCE ‘A’ Level or Equivalent Examination (Science Group) from home and abroad for admission in MIST Undergraduate Programs (Engineering and Architecture).
There are total of two units and one combine unit are available for applying. One is Engineering- A Unit, Other is Architect- B Unit and There is other- Engineering+ Architect (A+B) Combine Unit.
Mist Admission Requirements:
- Group: Science
- SSC Passing Year: 2017/2018
- HSC Passing Year: 2019/2020
- SSC Minimum GPA Requirements is- 4.00 (Without four subject)
- HSC Total GPA requirements is- 17.00 in 4 Subjects ((Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English).
MIST Online Admission Form:
Students meeting the requirements can fill out the admission form online at mist.teletalk.com.bd.
after submitting the online application form, they will get a user id. With that user id they have to send the application fees of 800 Tk by using Teletalk Bangladesh limited prepaid sim.
Online Form fill up instruction:
- Visit- mist.teletalk.com.bd
- Tap on Admission Form
- Input SSC and HSC Roll Number, Registration Number, Board Name
- In the the next page, fill out all necessary information.
- Upload Photo and Signature
- Click on submit to complete the online application.
Payment Instruction:
Applicants need to send SMS using teletalk to pay the applications fees. From any teletalk operator send two SMS by using the following format:
First SMS:
MIST <space> User ID and Send it to 16222.
Example: MIST GDGHHD and send to 16222.
Second SMS:
MIST <space>YES <space> PIN and Send it to 16222.
Example: MIST YES 12345785 and Send to 16222.
On successful completion of both Online Application and Payment, Students will get user id and password. With that user id and password an eligible applicant can download the Admit Card.
Check– MBBS Medical Admission Result for the academic session of 2020-21
MIST Short List 2021:
Military Institute of Science and Technologyis published the list of eligible candidates on mist.ac.bd. Short-listed candidates is allowed to appear in the written test.
MIST is published the short list on 28 February 2021 on mist.ac.bd. They published the short list on the basis of total GPA/Marks obtained in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry.
They will prepare two short list of Applicants (One is for Current Year or Other is for last year).This list is only for selection purpose to appeared written admission only.
To Check Mist Short List:
- Visit- mist.ac.bd
- Go to notice board and see all notice.
- Tap on the mist short list notice and download it.
- Now, check the list by application id, name or roll number.
Check Mist Admission Eligibility:
Students can check the mist eligible list by inputting their user id on check eligibility for exam portal of mist.
The eligible list can only be checked by visiting the admission website of mist- admission.mist.ac.bd and tap on eligibility check section. just input user id to check the result.
After inputting the user id, it will show whether a candidate is eligible or not for the admission test.
Applicants can follow the above method to check the short list or they can download pdf file of the short list from wordpress-1166703-4076355.cloudwaysapps.com.
Unit | : | Download Short List |
A (Engineering) | : | |
B (Architecture) | : | |
A+B (Engineering+ Architecture) | : |
MIST Admit Card Download:
Military institute of science and technology is published the admit card online. Only Eligible candidates can download the admit card till the written exam from mist.teletalk.com.bd.
They just need login with their user id and password, select the unit to download the admit card.
To Download Mist Admit Card 2021:
- Visit- mist.teletalk.com.bd
- Tap on admit card
- Login with the user id and password
- Now download the admit card and take a colour print out.
Instruction for the students:
- Please bring this admit card during admission test and preserve for further admission formalities.
- Please remain present in respective examination center before 45 minutes of the scheduled time.
- See the sketch for center location in MIST website: www.mist.ac.bd
Only pen, pencil, eraser and non-programmable calculator are allowed in the examination hall. No bags, smart watches and cell phones are - allowed in the examination hall.
- Writing should be in Black/Blue colour pen only.
- COVID protocol must be followed at all stages of the examination and admission process.
Special Notes: If documents related to qualifications and quota found invalid/incorrect at any stage of admission process then examination/admission will be
1. treated as cancelled. .
2. Examinees of Architecture program will appear both Unit-A and Unit-B examinations
2A Examinees of Unit B (Architecture) program will not be allowed to use mechanical aids for drawing.
2B Examinees of Unit B (Architecture) may use colour pencil for drawings.
Check– AFMC Admission Result for the academic session of 2020-21
MIST Admission Test
The exam date for military institute of science and technology admission test is 5 March 2021. Candidates must bring colour print out of admit card to sit for the admission test.
- Question Type: Written (No Multiple Choice Questions)
- Language: Both Bengali and English. (Applicants can answer either in English or Bangla)
- Total Marks- 100 Marks [ A= 100 marks, B= 100 Marks]
- Examination Duration- 2 Hours [2+2 Hours for both unit with breaks]
- Minimum Qualifying Marks- 40% Marks
Note: Five percent (5%) marks will be deducted from the written test for the candidates passed HSC in 2019.
Admission Test Marks Distribution:
- Unit A (Engineering and Architecture): Mathematics-40, Physics-30, Chemistry-20, English-10.
- Unit B (Architect): Drawing and Architect related topics-100
Required Documents for Quota Applicants.
- Freedom Fighter- Gazettes, Samoyik Sonod, Lal Muktibarta, Indian List, Relationship certificate issued by the mukti joddha sangsad.
- Military Ward (Children of Military Personnel): Certificate from righteous authority
- Tribal: Certificate issued by the Local Chairman and Signed by Commissioner of district.
Note: For quota authentication/verification, All Quota applicants must submit the mentioned original documents (Hard Copy).
MIST Admission Result:
Military Institute of Science and Technology will publish the admission result within seven day after taking the exam. Mist will publish written test result online at mist.ac.bd.
They will publish the merit list based on the marks of written test examination only. This year no marks is allocated to previous examination which is SSC and HSC Examination.
To check the admission test result, students need to visit the official website notice board. form there they check the admission test result.
To Search Mist Written Test Result:
- Visit- mist.ac.bd.
- Tap on view all notice.
- Now, Download the Unit A and Unit B written result.

Applicants can also download the pdf file of admission test result from below links:
Unit | : | Download File |
A (Engineering) | : | |
A+B (Engineering+ Architech) | : |
To get admission in mist, candidates need to participate for the admission test held every year by Mist.
Yes, Both Military or civil applicants can apply for the admission in mist.
Only Shortlisted candidates can appear in the admission test.
To check mist short list, Applicants need to visit- mist.ac.bd
The admission result of mist will publish online.
Mist will prepare the merit list on the basis of written admission test result only.
Applicants can check the mist admission result on the official website of mist which is mist.ac.bd.
The question pattern for mist admission test is written. There will be no multiple choice questions.
MIST Admission Helpline:
For further clarification, Please contact Admission Help Desk: 01769024054/ 01769024056/ 01769024090/ 01769024094 from 0900-1700 hours or Visit MIST Website (www.mist.ac.bd).
Do you have more questions than this, then do not hesitate of ask us by commenting below.