NU Degree 1st year result are going to be published soon. The National University will publish the degree exam result on the official website of National University.
Candidates can check the result in two different ways After Publication of the exam result candidate can search from the website and can check the by an SMS.
NU Degree 1st Year Exam:
National University 1st year exam is basically the final exam for first year students who will get promoted into degree 2nd year.
Students have to pass at least three subjects to get promoted in the 2nd year. Otherwise they will remain in the first year.
In the 2nd year, Students who have failed in one or couple of subjects in the first year have to participate in the 1st year improvement exam and pass the exam as well as the 2nd year final exam.
The Final Exam for degree 1st year for the passing year of 2019 and academic session of 2018-19 was started on 24 November 2019 and ended on 31st december 2019.
Now, The National University will publish the degree 1st year exam result soon.
Let’s dive it in:
- 1. Result Publish Date.
- 2. Degree first year exam result
- 3. How to Check the Result
- 4. Degree Result Rescrutiny
Nu Degree 1st Year Result Publish Date:
Usually the result is published within three months from the last exam. But, Due to COVID-19 current situation, the result has been delayed .
Because of that, The Result publish date has not been declared yet.
Degree First Year Exam Result:
National University degree first year exam results will be published on the official website of National University results-
Online System:
- Visit-
- Click on result
- Select degree 1st year from the menu
- Input registration number and passing year
- Type the Captcha
- Check the Result.
SMS System:
Go to SMS Option and Send an SMS with following Format:
NU <space> DEG <space> Roll/Registration Number and Send it to 16222.
National University Degree first Year communicating Result 2021 – Bangladesh National University Degree first Year communication starts on the twenty-fourth Gregorian calendar month (Saturday) 2021 and therefore the communication complete on the thirty-first Gregorian calendar month (Thursday) 2021. NU Degree First Year communicating Result for the educational session 2021 are going to be printed on twelfth August 2021.
Bangladesh letter of the alphabet official web site is that the initial thanks to checking degree first-year result. If you wish to see degree result in 2021 through the net then initially you have got to travel National University result website.
Degree 1st Year Exam Result 2021
If you trying to find the letter of the NU degree 1st-year communicating result or letter of the alphabet BA 1st-year result then this is often the right website for you NU Degree Pass first Year Result 2021. Degree First Year Result communicating transfer from letter of the alphabet official web site
- Bangladesh National University Official Website: (NU official website or ).
- Mobile Phone SMS
Exam Routine For Degree 1st Year Result
Exam Started Date: | 23rd July 2021 at 10.00 am |
Exam Completed Date: | 3rd August 2021 at 12.00 pm |
Result publish Date | 14th December 2021 at 09.00 am |
Degree First Year Exam & Government Official Website: | |
This year there’s a complete of quite five animal product students UN agency appeared in Degree Pass & Certificate Course first Year communicating 2021 that term 2021. During this NU Degree Pass communicating 2021 is currently in an exceedingly total of 689 communicating centers in Bangladesh. Not solely required students however conjointly their honorable folk’s square measure looking out their youngster’s letter of the alphabet Degree first-year Result 2021.
Degree 1st Year Result 2021 published Date
National University Degree first year result 2021 for tutorial session 2021 progressing to publish at on twelfth August 2021 at 04:00 PM. National University result revealed among sixty days once finishing the examination. This examination starts on the twenty-fourth Gregorian calendar month and completed on thirty-first Dec 2021. letter Degree first-year examination results in 2021 details here.
National University authority is going to be revealed Degree first year result, Degree ordinal Year examination result, and Degree third Year examination result, that is found on our web site. Currently, time to attend for Degree first Year Result 2021. You’ll check your letter Degree first-year Result 2021, which is termed National University Degree first year examination Result 2021.
How to Online Check National University Degree 1st year result?
National University Degree first year result can announce through a release. From 2 in style ways, you’ll be able to collect alphabetic character Degree first-year examination result.
Nowadays each way’s square measure most well-liked. the on-line technique is that the most well-liked then degree result from transportable SMS system. Generally, Bangladesh National University results publish once four.00 pm. in order that time on-line Server becomes full for Brobdingnagian traffic.
Degree 1st Year Exam Result Recently published. Government web: Students can download a degree first-year exam result.
How to check Degree 1st year result?
National University printed letter of the alphabet Degree first-year result 2021. National University Degree first Year Result Session (2021) publish here web site World Wide
Degree First Year Result 2021. You’ll notice the letter of the alphabet Degree 1st Year communication Result simply. shares vital news of National University Degree first Year Result World Wide
Therefore you discover Degree first Year Result by movable, Smartphone, Android, laptop computer, or laptop computer. Our website offers you the way to urge National University Degree first year result 2021.
Degree 1st year result
National University essentially publishes Degree Result among three months of communication finish. Letter of the alphabet Degree first-year communication result was controlled from 09 Oct 2021 to the twenty-fifth Gregorian calendar month 2021.
National University letter of the alphabet Degree first Year Result 2021. Educational sessions 2017-18 are going to be printed on the ninth of Oct 2021. Now if you’re trying now is obtaining your letter of the alphabet Degree first-year result 2021. In all probability the Degree first Year communication Result 2021. Can the National University Degree first year result publish in the center of September 2021? However World Wide underneath Degree fourth Year Result 2021.
This Result Check conjointly transfer Results from letter of the alphabet official web site World Wide Degree first Year Result supplier is National University.
Degree 1st year result 2021
The National University authority can publish Degree first year result 2021 of their web site. it’s the right time to urge for your Degree first Year Result 2021. currently you’ll check your National University Degree first year Result, which is termed National University Degree Pass & Certificate Course first year communication Result 2021.
Do you understand that once National University Degree first year result 2021 publish National University authority send word you. you must continually bear in mind one issue. The letter of the alphabet Bangla Desh publish their result when ninety days of communication date finish. So, Degree 1st (1st) year result provides in Oct 2021.
As a result of your Degree communication was resulted in this year. I will be able to describe to you, that the way to get your letter of the alphabet Degree first Year result 2021 by on-line, computer, lag top, and Mobile SMS. If you don’t understand all methods.
This year Degree first-year communication candidate total range is over five animal product students ar appeared in Degree Pass & Certificate Course first Year communication 2021 that school term 2017-2021. during this National University Degree Pass communication 2021 is current in total 689 communication centers in Bangla Desh. National University Degree Pass communication center was over packed as a result of student and prance ar keep here.
BD Degree 1st Year Exam Info 2021
More than four animal product students seem in Degree Pass & Certificate Course first year examination. Degree Pass Course first-year examination command beneath in total 683 examination centers everywhere Bangladesh. in step with the National University tutorial calendar, Degree first year Result is going to be found within the month of November 2021.
National University Degree Pass Exam Result
NU Degree Degree first Year Exam Result 2021 will be published, and two methods. These methods are:
Serial Number | Method Option |
1 | SMS Method |
2 | Online Method |
Degree 1st Year Result 2021 Download
- Go to nu.
- Select Degree from “Search” choice,
- Select the first year,
- Currently, choose Individual Result,
- Kind your Degree, number, and Pass Year in the next 2 boxes Solve the captcha by getting into the code and click on the “Search Result” button.
- And eventually, the result’s before of you.
Choose the degree first year from the search choices on the left facet of the results page. Then enter the examination number, your passing year, and top off the Captcha code. Finally, once clicking on the search button, you may be obtaining your degree first result 2021 in a brief time.
সকল বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের পরিক্ষার ফলাফল জানতে আমাদের ফেসবুক পেইজ এবং গ্রুপে জয়েন করুন
আমাদের ফেসবুক পেইজ এবং গ্রুপ লিঙ্কঃ
Degree 1st Year Exam Result 2021
Here we have a tendency to are providing National University degree 1st-year examination result for 2021. Able to get letter Degree first-year examination result via smartphone by causation the SMS. If students will ready to check Degree first result via the net web site of National University official web site
- Candidates can get a National University Degree first year Result 2021 at when National University publish.
- You furthermore may get the result National University administrator web site at World Wide and also the field board.
- Degree 1st-year Results 2021 National University can publish among August 2021. Now, Degree first-year students are awaiting their results.
How to Online Check NU Degree 1st Year Result by Mobile SMS?
You can get the National University Degree first Year examination Result quick on-line than mobile SMS. However, nonetheless, some students can’t perceive that. They assume if we tend to send Associate in Nursing SMS then perhaps obtaining a quick Degree first Year Result then on-line. I feel this can be the more serious plan, therefore leave this useless issue and to acquire your result online.
And then I simply provide you with Associate in Nursing SMS format for national university degree first Year Result. Check from below:
Write Your Mobile SMS Option: NU Deg Degree Exam Roll No & send it to 16222.
Just For Example: NU Deg 23456789 and send this message (Any SIM) to 16222
NU Results 2021
This is the official notice from the National University Gazipur web site. If you’ve got to wish from now on info then visit or ( national university official web site. If you’re a student at National University (NU), then this post might assist you. And if you’re thinking that this post is effective for you, then don’t forget to share this post together with your, alternative friends.
Infographics for Degree 1st year Results
Degree 1st-year examination 2021 controlled beneath National University, Gazipur. National University Degree course is for 3 years of fundamental quantity. Students UN agency need to finish their graduate-level during a short time, they chiefly admit Degree course. The examination was for session 2021, except for session jam, which happened this year.
NU Degree 1st Year Exam Result 2021
To get a lot of info regarding National University Degree first-year examination result 2021 and alternative info like Bank job circular, letter Result 2021, examination Routine rather like our Facebook Page or Leave a comment. we are going to offer answers to you as early as potential.
Degree 1st Year Result Year 2021
How to download degree 1st year result 2021?
- 1st Stap: Candidate first & easily go to Government Official Website & search in google:
- After Select Your Course / Exam Name.
- Easily Select Your Examination [Degree Name]
- Select Exam Name: First Year
- Select Individual Result
- Type your Exam. Roll:
- Type your registration number.
- Exam Year: 2021
- The Enter the code
- Then Click “Search Result” button and get your result.