NU Masters Professional Admission Result: National University will publish the release slip result of Masters (Professional) Admission for B.Ed, B.M.Ed, BSEd, B.P.Ed, M.Ed, MSed program on
NU will publish the release slip result soon. They will need admission roll number and pin number to check the result.
National University has published the second release slip notice for the academic session of 2020-21. Applicants can apply for release slip from 15 February 2021 to 22 February 2021.
In 22 January 2021, they have published the notice for the online application for the first release slip. Applicants now can apply for the release slip for 3 colleges.
National University masters professional Release slip online application will start from 23 January 2021 and will continue until 31 January 2021.
Eligible candidates need to visit- to apply for the release slip.
Before that, NU had published the 2nd phase online application for the masters professional program. Applicants now apply for the 2nd time to get admission in B.Ed, B.M.Ed, BSEd, B.P.Ed, M.Ed, MSed program.
The 2nd phase online application will start from 14 January 2021 and will continue on 18 January 2021. Applicants need to visit- to apply for the primary application for the admission.
Students can check the merit list result by login with their admission roll and pin number in the They can also check the result by sending an SMS. The SMS format is written on the result section.
National University is prepared the merit list in each college on the basis of the results of the previous examinations (Graduation/Equivalent Programs).
Selected Candidates can fill up the Admission form for first merit list from 21 December 2020 and will continue on 28 December 2020. Upon Completion of Online Admission Form, They need to submit the admission form to the college with the required documents by 29 December 2020.
NU Masters Professional Admission Circular for the session of 2021 was published on Students can apply through online for the admission in B.Ed, B.P.Ed, B.M.Ed, B.S.Ed., M.S.Ed., M.Ed, M.P.Ed. The Primary Application for admission will start from 25 November 2020 and will end on 7 December 2020.
Interested candidates should fill up the primary application form from the National University admission website and submit the printed copy along with the application fees of TK 300/- (Three Hundred) to the college by December 08,2020.
Students can find the details information, results, merit list and other related information from the Masters Tab (NU Professional Masters Admission) option of the National University Admission Website (
Click Where To Go:
NU Masters Professional Admission Circular 2021:
National University invites application for admission in masters professional program for the session of 2020-21.

Admission Roadmap:
Events | : | Date |
Primary Online Application | : | 25 November 2020- 7 December 2020 |
2nd Phase Online Application | : | 14 January 2021- 18 January 2021 |
Form Submission Deadline to College | : | 8 December 2020 |
Admission Result (1st Merit List) | : | 2020 |
Masters Professional Programs/Course:
- Bachelor of Education (B.Ed)
- Bachelor of Madrasah Education (B.M.Ed)
- Bachelor of Special Education (B.S.Ed)
- Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed)
- Master of Education (M.Ed)
- Master of Special Education (M.S.Ed)
- Master of Physical Education (M.P.Ed)
Primary Online Application Form- NU Masters Professional
Applicants need to visit-, go to masters tab and click on apply now (masters professional) option.
An Application form will be displayed, input the necessary information step by step to complete the form and submit to to the college.
Form Fill Up Instruction:
Students who wants to apply for masters professional in B.Ed, B.P.Ed, B.M.Ed, B.S.Ed., M.S.Ed., M.Ed, M.P.Ed program can follow the step by step guideline to complete the application form.
Step 1: Visit-, go to masters tab and click on Apply Now (Masters Professional)
Step 2: Select the completed degree that you passed- Honours/Degree Pass/Bachelor of Education (BEd)/Bachelor of Special Education (BSEd)/Bachelor of Madrasa Education (BMEd)/Bachelor of Physical Education (BPEd).
Step 3: Give the Hon’s/Equivalent’s Course Roll Number and Registration Number and Passing Year.
Step 4: Students Personal and Education Information will appear on screen, click on next to go to next step. Make sure to change with real date of birth instead of the dummy date.
Step 5: Select Course and College from the eligible course list and college selections.
Step 6: Input Quota Information.
Step 7: In this step, provide photo (Allowed size, format and resolution –
Height: 150px;Width: 120px; Image Format: jpg Maximum File Size: 50 Kb) ,mobile number and email and go to next step.
Step 8: Upload Letter of Commitment in pdf format.
Step 9: Review Photo, Personal and Education Information, College and course.
Step 10:Click on submit to submit the application form.
Submit the Application form to the college:
Candidates need to take a print out of the online application form and submit the form to the college with the required documents and application fees of 300 TK.
NU Masters Professional Admission Result:
National University Masters Professional Admission Result for B.Ed, B.P.Ed, B.M.Ed, B.S.Ed., M.S.Ed., M.Ed, M.P.Ed is published. Candidates now can check the result online or by sending an SMS.
Candidates will need admission roll number and pin number from the application form to check the admission result.
How to get Masters Professional Admission Result:
Candidates can get the result for masters professional by two method. One is through online and other is by sending an SMS.
Masters Professional Result by Online:
- Visit- or or
- Select the Master’s TAB. and go to the link Master Professional (Applicant Login)
- Type The Admission Roll Number and PIN Number in the Respective Boxes.
- Tap the Login button to view the result.

After That, If An Applicants get a chance, they will get a congratulate SMS and an application form. If they don’t get any chance in the Merit List and Application, they have to wait for the next merit list.
Masters Professional Result by SMS:
Candidates can check the admission result by SMS by sending an SMS with following format:
NU <space> ATMP <space> Admission Roll and Send SMS to 16222
Example: NU ATMP 6105422 and Send SMS to 16222.
Note that, The National University will prepare the merit list based on previous examination results.
NU Masters Professional Release Slip Application:
In the academic session of 2020-21 of Masters professional program, Applicants can apply for the release slip application for b.ed, m.ed, bp.ed, mp.ed etc course on
Applicants who are not get a chance in the merit list or not admitted in the merit list or cancel their admission or apply in the second phase online application, they must apply for release slip to get admission in Masters Professional Program.

Professional Masters Admission Form:
The masters professional admission is available online. Selected Candidates in the first merit list can fill up the admission form from 21 December 2020 to until 28 December 2020.
How to fill up the admission form:
- Visit-
- Go to masters tab and click on Masters Professional Applicants Login
- Use the Admission Roll and Pin Number to login.
- After login, Click on the admission form
- Now, fill up the admission form [Nationality, Religion, Guardian Name and Mobile Number, Address]
- Then , Tap on save information
Now, Download the admission form and submit it to the colleges.
Required documents at the time of submission to the colleges:
- Admission Form (Students and College Copy)
- Background Education Result (marksheet/certificate)
- Three copies color photograph.
- Admission fees.