NU COVID Vaccine Registration: National University is published a notice for reviving vaccine for the Students by registering in this website- for COVID-19 Vaccine.
It has been made compulsory for all teachers, officers, employees and students of colleges and educational institutions affiliated to the National University to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
In the Notice, They have stated that, Teachers of all affiliated colleges of the National University, Students, officials, employees have been asked for information about the vaccine of Covid-19. By January 15, 2022. Enter this link: The notice is published by the by the National University authorities.
This is a matter of national importance and urgent consideration regarding public health. The principals of the affiliated colleges have been requested to ensure the completion of the information of vaccine registration and information of the college.
Those who have not yet received the vaccine have been instructed to complete the registration in the safety app by 15th January 2022 and receive the Covid-19 vaccine.
The last date of COVID 19 vaccine registration is 15th January 2022. By that date, Students must need to complete the registration for corona vaccine.
According to the latest news, under the direction of the Vice-Chancellor the National University is extended the COVID-19 Corona Vaccine Registration Date and collect information regarding Covid-19 vaccination of students studying in all colleges / educational institutions affiliated for the Students of National University.
By completing this online registration you are confirming your interest in receiving the COVID-19 vaccination being rolled out through National University of Bangladesh by the Government of Bangladesh.
This data collection is a primary phase of determining the vaccine allocation for students by the Ministry of Education for the National University of Bangladesh.
Therefore, National University students are required to submit their National ID Number, Mobile Number and Other Necessary information in the COVID-19 form available at
There is no mobile app is available for the registration. But How students can complete the registration through mobile is provided below.
Under phase 1 of the vaccination registration, everyone from National University and its affiliated colleges or institution will be eligible to get vaccinated against Covid-19.
How to register? To get yourself registered online, you will have to verify your identity through a photo identification card such as an Natinal ID Cad Number. and will also have to input a valid mobile number.
Depending on the availability, Students will be given a notice for the next step what they need to do. The date, time and other information regarding receiving vaccine will be sent to the students via SMS on their registered mobile number.
However, just one day ahead of phase 3, which is the last phase for the National University Students.
The National University just published a notice regarding Vaccination for the students of national University. They have stated that, As the Surokkha Gov bd is now providing vaccine for the students from the age of 18.
The students of National University should not wait for the vaccine from the National University. Rather then, They should register themselves at to receive vaccine from the Government of Bangladesh.
The Students of National University must register in the Surokkha gov bd website to receive vaccine for COVID 19 Corona Virus.
Important Notice About NU Vaccine Registration:
- Students now can register themselves without the National ID Card.
- Data of Honors/Degree 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 Sessions are available now.
- The registration date are upto 15th January 2022.
- This is the Contact Email ( for any information/registration/correction.
Please, Read the full articles for how to complete the registration, what to do if misinformation given in form and what is the next course of action after complete the registration.
Let’s Dive it in:
- Corona Vaccine
- Eligibility
- How to Register
- NU Vaccine Registration Link
- Registration Correction Process
- FAQs
Particulars | : | Information |
Campaign Name | : | National University Data Collection for COVID-19 Vaccine |
Starting Date | : | 10th January 2022 |
Deadline | : | 15th January 2022 |
Official Website | : | |
Registration Link | : | |
NU COVID Vaccine Registration for Students
National University Bangladesh is going to conduct the registration process for the COVID-19 Vaccine for the students of National University.
They are advised the students to fill up the form at with necessary information and submit it as soon as possible.
Please note, that while many students have already submitted their information, but there were incorrect submissions by some students as well.
As this is not only an official requirement from the university but from the Ministry of Education as well, students must ensure that the required information provided is correct and valid. Invalid/ False submission may be considered as a major disciplinary violation.
The notice about the vaccine registration for COVID-19 is available at the Official Website of National University, Bangladesh.
Eligibility for COVID Vaccine Registration:
To eligible to get vaccine as a students of National University, they must have the below eligibility for fill up the vaccination form provided by the National University of Bangladesh.
- Must be a Students of National University in Bangladesh.
- Currently studying in any course at National University.
- Must have a National ID Card Number.
As students do not have their National Identification Number (NID), they will also collect the student’s Birth Registration Number (BRN) as a secondary alternative for identification.
However, given the current requirements of the Ministry of Education and National University of Bangladesh, if in case the BRN is not applicable in the system for now and the NID is made mandatory for student vaccine registration they can complete the registration after 27th September 2021.
In order to be considered eligible for the student vaccination provision by the National University of Bangladesh. Additional information on the application process are as follows:
- A Valid Mobile Number.
- Resident Status.
- Is COVID 19 Vaccine is taken or not.
Honours/Degree/Master/Professional Students Corona Vaccine Registration
Students studying in graduation and post graduation course in Honours, Degree, Masters, Professional, Ph.d, On Campus Course, Private Course must need to complete the vaccine registration.
Though they have not publish a year from which year Honours, Degree, Masters, Professional, Ph.d, On Campus Course, Private Course students can register themselves, but according to the notice, all the students from national university can register for receiving vaccine.
All the Students that are currently studying and all the students that are not studying must do the registration within the time-frame.
After the time-frame, students will not be able to register themselves for corona virus vaccine registration.
The Degree Students are not able to complete the registration, as their data is not found by the systems.
National University may publish the notice for degree students to complete the Vaccine Registration – –
(NU Corona Vaccine without National ID Card )
National University is published a notice for the registration for the students those does not have National ID Card .
The directive states that those students who are above 16 or 18 years of age and do not have National Identity Card, should collect the birth registration certificate within the next 3 working days and its registered number should be sent to this link: to register.
Subject to the receipt of the certificate, the National University will take appropriate steps to ensure that the concerned student can get the Covid-19 vaccine at the local level. The directive further states that those who have already received the 1st / 2nd dose of the vaccine should be referred to the National University of Surrey.
The Covid Vaccine Registration Process without the National ID Card will end on 15th January 2022.
To register without National ID card, Visit- and follow the same guideline as before. But as an alternative method of verification, Students will need Birth Certificate Number.
The just need to input birth certificate number in the place of National ID Card to complete the registration. – NU Corona Vaccine from Mobile
National University Corona Vaccine Registration can also be done from mobile. To complete the registration from mobile, Students need to open a browser and follow the guideline from below to complete the registration .
Though, The registration is not compulsory. But, the Authority of National University Bangladesh advised that to complete the registration.
How to Complete the Registration in
This is the step by step registration guideline for vaccination against COVID-19 Corona Virus for the students of National University in Bangladesh.
Students will find the covid-19 corona virus vaccine registration form at the Official website of National University of Bangladesh.
The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has decided to include the student of National University studying in National University Bangladesh in the nationwide vaccination campaign against covid-19 Corona Virus.
All National University students having a registration Number should complete the registration.To be included in the vaccination programme, the following information are required in the website.
- Mobile Number(To receive SMS notification)
- National ID Card Number
- Is COVID-19 Vaccine is taken or not (yes or no)
- Residential Status
Starting on 10th January 2022, The National University students will be able to self register within 15th January 2022 through the Registration Link provided by the National University, Bangladesh at their official website.
Only after registration and receiving SMS in the mobile, the students of National University will be able to get vaccine in the centre written on the SMS. –
NU Vaccine Registration Link is the website link provided by the national University Bangladesh to complete the registration for reviving vaccine against covid-19 Corona Virus.
Students just need to visit- and follow the below steps to complete the registration.
If an students is successfully submitted the form, He/She will get these SMS on the screen shown in the below image.
How to Fill Up the data of NU Students for COVID-19 Corona Vaccine (Pictorial) – NU Corona Vaccine (Video Guideline)
This is video guideline on how any students from National University can Complete the COVID Vaccine Registration. They just need to follow the simple step by step from this video to complete the National University COVID Corona Virus Vaccine Registration.
Is Online Registration Mandatory ?
As you know, the vaccine is limited. Therefore If an students are not registered in the website, they will not be able to get vaccinated.
So in that case, Students must complete the online registration to receive the vaccine from the Government Republic of Bangladesh, Organized by Ministry of Education and Through National University Bangladesh.
NU Vaccine Server Not Working
The server for National University Vaccine registration not working. What to do ? . In that case students need to tap the refresh or reload button from mobile and f5 from PC contentiously to solve the issue.
We have tried this method and its working, if you are not able to do the registration by above method, make sure to leave a comment for further instruction and discussion.
What to do After complete the Vaccine Registration from online
Students do not need send any documents or paper to the colleges, university or institution after the submission. They just need to confirm that they submit the form successfully.
According to the notice, this is just a data collection process for giving students vaccine. So that, the ministry of education and National University Bangladesh can open the university.
After the submission, just wait for the national university for publish any notice for next phase or next step what to do. They will publish the notice on the official vaccination website or main website of the national University.
The students will also get an SMS about the covid vaccination date, time and place on their register mobile. – NU COVID Vaccine Website for students
National University is published a notice for the students of national university to fill up the data for COVID-19 Vaccine in Bangladesh.
Amid the deteriorating coronavirus situation, the government is going to starting registration for receiving Covid-19 vaccines for National University Students.
To Avoid COVID-19 Situation, The Government has asked the national university students covid-19 info in the prescribe from within 27th September 2021.
All students of National University and Students from affiliated colleges can fill up the information Online.
They just need to visit- nu students covid 19 information website which is- and fill up the form with the respective information.
How to Register on
It an national university students wants to get a vaccine , Then he/she must need to register in the official national university covid 19 students information Website.
The registration process will resume for all the National University Students until 27th September 2021. Everyone will get an SMS from a vaccination centre after registration and all must receive the vaccine at that centre accordingly. “In this case, the vaccine card and NID card must be brought for receiving the vaccine.”
Does it include all the University, Colleges that are under National University of Bangladesh. And the answer is yes., All the students, teachers and other staff of affiliated colleges, Institute under National University are eligible for the Application to register for receiving vaccine.
The other Criteria are:
- Having a national ID Card Number
- having a valid mobile number
- Must have National University Registration Number.
What to do If students does not have National ID Card Number
National University is also published a notice regarding how to register without National ID Card Number.
Well, Students who does not have national id card they can register themselves by Birth Certification Number.
Now, Only students having national ID card Number can register themselves until 27th September 2021.
Guideline for Registration in-
Students just need to follow the step by step guideline from below of entry the data for COVID-19 Vaccine Registration.
Step 1: Visit-
Step 2: Type the Registration Number and tap on submit to go to next step.
Step 3: Now, Fill up the covid vaccine info which is:
– Mobile Number
– National ID Card Number
– Is COVID-19 Vaccine is taken or not (yes or no)
– Residential Statu
Step 4: Submit the form.
This is how, Students from national University can fill up the data for COVID-19 Vaccine Registration.
National University COVID-19 Vaccine Registration Correction Process:
National University is published a system where students can correct their vaccine registration form within the deadline.
If an students Make a mistake in the data collection for COVID-19, then the students has an opportunity to correct the form before the last date.
To Correct the form, Students need to request to national university authority by e-mail to cancel form. So that, the students can fill up the for again.
Some possible Mistakes:
- Input Inactive Mobile Number or mistake some digit.
- Choose yes in Vaccination Status.
- Choose wrong residential status.
- Input Incorrect Voter ID Card Number.
In that case, Students should write the reasons to cancel the form in the e-mail. They can use the below e-mail template to send the E-mail .
In the e-mail there are two part, which is subjects and body.
In the subjects part, they should write- ” Application for Cancel the COVID-19 Vaccine Form” or “Application form correction of COVID-19 Vaccine Registration Form”.
In the Body Part, They should write,
Dear sir,
I have recently submitted the corona virus vaccine registration Form. But by mistake I have type or input the wrong “Mobile Number/Vaccination Status/National ID Card/Current Residential Status”. Thats why I want to cancel the vaccine registration form.
My Right Information are as follows:
Father Name:
Registration Number:
Course Name:
Date of Birth:
Mobile Number:
NID Card:
Vaccine Status:
Resident Status:
So, I want to cancel the form or if possible want to change or update the registration information.
Thanks and Regards:
Write students name
With writing this, Students need to send the e-mail at- Just place this email in the to section to send the E-mail.
This is how, A National University Students can correct the registration form even after the submission of the form.
NU COVID Vaccine Registration FAQS:
No, The registration for covid-19 vaccine in not mandatory. But, If you don’t Register you will not get a vaccine.
To Complete the NU Vaccine Registration, Students must have registration number and will need-
- Mobile Number
- National ID Card Number
- Is COVID-19 Vaccine is taken or not (yes or no)
- Residential Status
The registration national University students without national id card will be started after 27th September 2021. is the official website link provided by the national University Bangladesh to complete the registration for reviving vaccine
Students will notify about receiving the vaccine for COVID-19 Corona Virus in their registered mobile number by an SMS.
Students can complete the registration for the COVID-19 Corona Virus at covid info web portal .
No, There is not any mobile apps need to installed on the device to complete the registration.
The age is not describe here. All the students from National University in any age can complete the registration.
For more information about COVID-19 Vaccine Registration, visit at – or e-mail at