Download SSC Assignment 2021 8th Week Question Answer in PDF File. Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education has published the SSC 7th Week Assignment Question Answer for the 8th Week. Due to the COVID 19 Coronavirus, the government has implemented an Assignment Program for SSC Batch 2021 as an alternative method for evaluating SSC Candidates 2021.
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The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education has just released the SSC 8th Week Assignment 2021 Answer for Science, Commerce, and Humanities Group for candidates planning to take the SSC Exam 2021. It includes all government, private, and secondary schools in Bangladesh that are part of the All Education Board for Secondary Level Education.
The Assignment Work includes for Boards (in alphabetic order): Barisal (Barishal), Chittagong (Chattogram), Comilla (Cumilla), Dhaka, Dinajpur, Jessore (Jashore), Rajshahi, Sylhet and Mymensingh.
The assignments for the Eighth week of the SSC Exam 2021, including the Assignment Grid and the List of Subjects for the Eighth Week, are now available on the official website of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education.
Candidates for the Secondary School Certificate in 2021 must complete the assignment work. The SSC 8th Week Assignment Syllabus and Guidelines have already been published by the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.
After completing the assignment in accordance with the DSHE’s prescribed rules and terms, students must submit it to the relevant subject teacher. The teacher and the Department of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education prepare the information for evaluating the assignments in accordance with the assessment rules of the SSC Exam 2021.
Latest News About SSC 8th Week Assignment
It is learned that due to Covid-19 Pandemic, the eighth curriculum assignment according to the grid prescribed for the students participating in the 2022 SSC examination prepared by the National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) under the direction of the Ministry of Education.
All concerned are requested to take necessary steps to follow the hygienic rules and regulations in case of giving and receiving the distributed assignments to all the students.
Students must collect the assignment question, write the solutions and submit it to the colleges within the given time. Without submitting the assignment answer, A Students will not able to participate in the SSC Exam 2021 and SSC Exam 2022.
DSHE is now preparing the assignment for the SSC Batch 2021. It will publish soon on the website. According to the latest notice, They will publish the SSC 8th Week Assignment for SSC Batch 2021 on 6th September 2021.
SSC 2021 Assignment 8th Week PDF Download
With 7th September, 2021 DSHE will release the 8th Week Assignment for the SSC Exam 2021 in the evening. The previous week’s assignment was released on 31st August, 2021 and Next Assignment will be released on September 14th, 2021.
DSHE has finished preparing the Assignment Work for the 8th Week for publication. The assignment work for the students will begin from 8th September, 2021. Students must collect the assignment question from the list below and write the assignment solution.
We have prepared a set of sample assignment answers to assist students. Students can use this answer as a sample to write their own assignment solutions. Simply read the article for SSC 2021 Exam Assignment for 8th Week Question with Solutions for Science, Commerce, and Humanities Group.
Students can download the assignment in pdf or image file to their phone from this page.
SSC 8th Week Assignment 2021 PDF File
- Assignment Publication Date: 6th September 2021
- Submission Timeframe: Within 1 Weeks (Contact to the respective colleges)
- Assigned Subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Higher Math, Accounting, Business Entrepreneurship, History of Bangladesh and World Civilization, Geography and Environment, Politics and Citizenship.
Question with Answer for SSC 8th Week Assignment 2021
The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education will publish 8th Week Assignment Work for Eight subjects.
The list of subjects for 8th Week SSC Assignment is- Physics, Chemistry and Higher math, Accounting, Business Entrepreneurship, History and World Civilization of Bangladesh, Geography & Environment, Politics & Citizenship.
They have published only the elective subjects assignment of the 8th Week of the Science, Business Studies, and Humanities Group, as per the rules.
The answers to the eighth week assignments for the SSC Exam 2021 are available separately in PDF format from the official website in here. Students will be able to easily download the assignment question and write the assignment answer. We have prepared assignment answers that can be downloaded easily and are organized by group.
We will prepare a sample assignment answer to assist students with their assignment programme 2021. Students should not copy the exact assignment solution from this page. Rather then, they should write their answer on their own, by following the DSHE guidelines.
We have provided the assignment question with answer in pdf format so that students can easily download it from this page.
SSC Assignment 2021 8th Week Solution (PDF)
We have completed the preparations to publish the sample assignment answers in pdf file for the science, business studies, and humanities groups in order to assist the students of SSC Batch 2021.
Students can now access the assignment answer in pdf format from this page. To check the answer, they simply need to follow this group-based assignment section. Simply click on any of the links below or on the subject for which you require an answer.
Students will be able to view the answers for specific subjects by clicking on that link. It is available in both pdf and jpg formats.
Answer for SSC 8th Week Assignment 2021 Science Group:
Three elective subjects have been chosen for the Science Group’s for SSC 8th Week Assignment 2021.
Physics, Chemistry and Higher Math Assignment work to SSC candidates for the Science Department in the Eighth Week is assigned to students by DSHE for all education board in Bangladesh.
Students can now download the pdf file of the science group’s 8th Week Assignment answer from the links provided below.

- Physics
- Chemistry
- Higher Mathematics
Answer to SSC 8th Week Assignment 2021 Commerce Group:
The 8th Week Assignment for Business Studies group in two elective subjects has been published by DSHE.
They have published the Business Entrepreneurship, Accounting Subjects assignment for the Commerce Group’s for 8th Week Assignment.
Simply click on the links provided below to access the SSC 8th Week Commerce Group Assignment Answer. A PDF version available for download.
- Business Entrepreneurship
- Accounting

Answer to SSC 8th Week Assignment 2021 Humanities Group:
DSHE has published the three elective subjects from the humanities group for the 8th Week Humanities Group Assignment. For the 8th Week Assignment, they have chosen History of Bangladesh and World Civilization, Geography and Environment, Politics and Citizenship.
Simply click on the links provided below to access the SSC 8th Week Arts Group Assignment Answer. PDF version are now available for download below.

- History of Bangladesh and World Civilization,
- Geography and Environment,
- Politics and Citizenship.
SSC 8th Week Assignment 2021 for SSC Exam 2022
DSHE is published the 8th Week Assignment 2021 Answer for Science, Commerce, and Humanities Group on the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Website for candidates who wish to participate in the SSC Examination 2022.
The assignments for the Eighth Week of the SSC Exam 2022 and the Assignment Grid and the List of Subjects, Assignment questions with solutions are all available on the official website of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE).
Students will also find a PDF File for the Assignment Answer from here. Just follow this article for more details about the SSC Assignment 2021 Question, Answer for SSC Exam 2022, How to Create the Assignment, Assignment for Science, Commerce, Arts and more.

Download SSC 8th Week Assignment Answer 2021 in PDF
This is the subject list, assignment, and publication date for the SSC Assignment 2021 of the 8th week for the SSC Exam 2021.
SSC Assignment Answer 2021 in PDF format can be downloaded from here. In addition to writing assignment answer, students must complete the DSHE assignment work. In addition, keep the following important notes and instructions in mind:
- Students must have completed the Class 10 assignment for the within week (eighth weeks).
- Candidates must collect the question in their assignments before the starting to writing the answer
- Candidates should save a copy of their assignment solutions in case they need them again in the future.
- Completing and submitting the assignment by the deadline specified on the SSC assignment routine or the assignment grid, whichever is earlier, is required.
- The assignment must be completed and submitted on time in order to be considered complete.
- The assignments are now considered a important part of the evaluation of SSC Candidates for the year 2021, and they will be graded accordingly. As a result, in order to receive high marks on the final exam and avoid difficulties obtaining a degree after the result, candidates must submit their Class 10 assignments by the deadline.
- There are marks to be found despite the fact that there are no passing grades or anything of the sort. Furthermore, each mark counts toward the final exam result of the Higher Secondary Education Examination in 2021, which will be released in December, 2021.
Students should follow the instructions below:
The primary goal of this assignment is for you to complete it so that you can achieve the learning outcomes. Furthermore, these outcomes will benefit students when they begin the next class of lessons, so they must actively participate in the assignment work to reap the benefits.
The Department of Secondary and Higher Education provided the following instructions for this specific assignment:
- The student should enroll in NCTB’s prepared and published textbook for the 2021 academic year, as well as the assignment that will accompany it.
- Guidebooks, notebooks, and other forms of documentation are unnecessary.
- When it comes to the evaluation process, student self-esteem, creativity, and consistency will all be evaluated in some way.
- A student who copies another’s writing and submits it as his or her own will have the assignment cancelled, and the student will be required to resubmit the task as a result.
Students should write assignments with their hands. It will also help with comprehension of the subject matter and the development of handwriting skills.
When completing an assignment, you are free to use any type of paper. The cover page should include the following information:
- The student’s name,
- Class,
- Roll,
- subject,
- and the title/type of the assignment.
Source- dshe