SSC 2022 Biology Assignment Answer: Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education is published the Class 10 SSC Assignment Answer 2022 for Biology Subjects for all three weeks.
The Assignment work, Questions with solutions are available at official website.
DSHE was published the 5th Week Assignment for Biology Subjects in 2021. The next assignment will be published for the biology subjects in the 11th Week.
Students should follow this article for step by step guideline, question, how to write answer and assignment solutions.
SSC Biology Assignment 2022 (Roadmap)
Particulars | : | Information |
Subject Name | : | Biology |
Subject Code | : | 138 |
Last Assignment Publish Date | : | 9th February 2022 |
Upcoming Assignment | : | 11th Week |
Deadline for Submitting the Assignment | : | Within One Week from the Publication of the Assignment Question |
Last Week | : | 5th Week |
SSC Biology Assignment Answer 2022
Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education will publish a total Four assignment for SSC 2022 biology subjects.
According to the SSC Assignment Routine, The Biology assignment will be available at 5th Week, 11th Week, 18th Week, 24th Week.
The SSC Biology Assignment 2022 has been published on the website of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (DSHE).
Now that the assignment question has been posted, students can review the week-based solution in the answer section.
As of right now, the 5th Week Assignments have been published by DSHE. The 11th Week Assignment will publish soon.
The answers to the SSC Biology Assignment are now worth Marks. As a result, the students will not be able to ignore the Assignment Work. They must write the best possible assignment solutions in order to get the highest possible Marks.
They will receive a grade based on the work they have completed in the Biology Assignment.
The primary goal of the assignment is to prepare students for the final examination of the Secondary School Certificate Examination in Bangladesh.
The SSC Biology Assignment carries a marks as well for the students who have chosen biology as their main subjects.
The Department of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE) will use the chapters in the preparation of the SSC Assignment 2022 for Biology Subjects of the Science Group.
They plan to publish the Biology assignment in the following weeks:
Because of the COVID-19 Corona Virus, the syllabus for the SSC Biology has been shorten for the benefit of students who taking the exams.
And, in accordance with the syllabus, DSHE will publish the assignment work once a week on the website.
They have reduced the biology syllabus to Eight Chapters. These eight chapter are: First (জীবনপাঠ), Second (জীবকোষ টিস্যু), Fourth (জীবনীশক্তি), Fifth (খাদ্য, পুষ্টি ও পরিপাক), Sixth (জীবে পরিবহন), Eighth (রেচন প্রক্রিয়া), Eleventh (জীবের প্রজনন), Twelveth (জীবের বংশগতি ও বিবর্তন).
Read Also- SSC Physic Assignment Answer 2022
Soon, They will publish the 11th Week Assignment Question with answer for Biology Subjects.
SSC 11th Week Assignment Answer 2022
Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education is going to publish the 11th Week Assignment for Biology Subject Also. Students can download the assignment question after the publication of Assignment by DSHE.
students from science group must write the Biology Assignment Answer. Students who have selected biology as their elective/main subject, Only They have to write the biology assignment solutions. DSHE will publish the assignment question from the chapter of main book of NCTB.
After the publication of Assignment, Students will find here both image or pdf file of the assignment question with answer.
Class: Ten
Subject: Biology
Group: Science
Exam Year: SSC 2021
Week: 11th
Assignment No: 2
Assignment work: বিভিন্ন প্রকারের উদ্ভিদের অভিযোজনিক বৈশিষ্ট্যের সাথে পরাগায়নের মাধ্যমের সম্পর্ক নির্ণয় কর।

Assignment Answer: Will Publish Shortly
SSC Biology Assignment Answer 2021 (SSC Batch 2021)

SSC Biology Assignment 2021 6th Week Answer
DSHE is published the SSC Biology Assignment 2021 in pdf file on 23rd August 2021. Just follow this article to download and search the SSC Biology Assignment for 6th Week.
Class: Ten
Subject: Biology
Group: Science
Exam Year: SSC 2021
Week: Sixth
Assignment No: 5
Assignment Work: খেলার মাধ্যমে শ্বসনের ধাপসমূহ চিহ্নিতকরণ এবং শক্তির উৎপাদন ও ব্যবহার বিশ্লেষণ

Instruction/Guideline for Writing the Assignment Answer:
Firstly, read page no 66-67 and 76-81 of the Biology textbook.
Now the following list is to be observed.(No need to write the list on assignment)
Sample of a card | Which serial no. cited in which card |
Acetyl Co-A | NADH+FI+ (Card no 14-15, two cards) FADH2 (Card no-11-13, 3cards) Acetyl Co-A (Card no-9 and 10, 2 cards) Pyruvic acid( Card no-7 and 8. 2 cards) Glucose (Card no-6. 1 card} GTP (Card no-1-5. 5 cards |
15 cards are to be prepared like the list. The name of the material and serial no. will be on one side of the card. Another side will remain blank. Write up must not be visible from one side to another side of the card. The reverse side of the card will be the same and should not be distinguished.
The assignment table is to be prepared on an A4 size paper following the example given on the next page. There will not be an ATP number or position number of X. Y, Z at the beginning. The game board will have numbers from zero to fifteen, but X. Y, Z will not be written.
One pawn will be needed which will indicate an Amoeba. A pawn could be such a thing that can be placed in the game board chambers, (e.g. a button, piece of brick or stone, or coin etc)
Rules of the game
Three cards have to be chosen at once from the given 15 cards by a lottery. The equivalent ATP number written on the cards will he the value of A, B. C respectively (in ascending order of serial number). The summation of the ATP value will be H that shows the energy amount that Amoeba will start playing with.
The highest and lowest number (not the value of ATP) of the three chronological cards are to be observed. X and Z should be written respectively in the game board box of that two numbers. The serial number on the other card would show a box of the same number in the game board box where you have to write Y. 1 lore X and Z are the two foods of Amoeba and their food values are A and I) respectively. D is the total value of ATP of B and C. Y is an adverse environment where F, amount of energy of an Amoeba is consumed once it enters.
Amoeba pawn should be placed in the zero box of the game board. Students can move the pawn from one box to another, sideways or vertically, but not obliquely. The pawn can never back again in the same box in the next rolls.
When amoeba moves for one box in each roll, the amount of consumed ATP will be the value of either A. B or C. Energy is also consumed during food intake. That will be similar to the other value of any one of A, B. C.
Before rolling the pawn, a student must fix and write the values of A to F, the position of X. Y, Z values of energy consumption in the game “set up” box of assignment table. These values can’t be changed during the game is on.
Assignment Answer:

SSC Biology 4th Week Assignment Answer 2021
The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education is published the 4th Week Biology Assignment Answers from in accordance with the short syllabus in the fourth and Sixth weeks of the SSC Assignment Program 2021.
Students can download the SSC Biology 4th Week Assignment Answer in pdf format from this page. Simply click on the link provided to download the assignment solution from below:
Class: Ten
Subject: Biology
Group: Science
Exam Year: SSC 2021
Week: Fourth and Sixth
Assignment No: 3 & 4
Assignment Work: সালোকসংশ্লেষন এর ফলে অক্সিজেন নির্গমনের ওপর বিভিন্ন প্রভাবকের প্রভাব নির্ণয়ের তুলনামূলক পরীক্ষা ও ফলাফল ব্যাখ্যা করে সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণ করো।

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Assignment Answer:

SSC Biology 3rd Week Assignment Answer 2021
DSHE is published the 2nd Week Assignment Answer for the biology Subjects on 18th July, 2021. Just check the assignment work, question with solution from below.
Class: Ten
Subject: Biology
Group: Science
Exam Year: SSC 2021
Week: Second
Assignment No: 2
Assignment Work: খেলার মাধ্যমে প্রাণীকোষ এবং প্রাণীটিস্যুর গঠন ও কাজ বিশ্লেষণ করতে হবে।

Assignment Solutions: Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education is published the 3rd Week Biology Assignment Answer for SSC Exam 2021. Lets check the content, Assignment question with solutions from below:

SSC Biology 1st Week Assignment Answer 2021
DSHE is published the SSC Biology Assignment Answer 2021 for all three week together on Lets see the content and assignment work on
Class: Ten
Subject: Biology
Group: Science
Exam Year: SSC 2021
Week: First Week
Assignment No: 1
Assignment Work: খালি চোখে লক্ষনীয় উদ্ভিদ কোষের বৈশিষ্ট্য এবং টিস্যুর শ্রম বন্টন নির্ণয় করতে হবে।
Instruction to Students for writing this assignment answer:
ধাপ ১ঃ পাঠ্যপুস্তকের ২০-২১ পৃষ্ঠা, ২৩-২৪ পৃষ্ঠা এবং ২৮-৩৩ পৃষ্ঠা দ্রষ্টব্য।
ধাপ ২ঃ খাতায় নিচের মতো দুটি ছক করতে হবে

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Assignment Answer: DSHE is published the 1st week ssc biology assignment answer of assigned work. Lets see the question with answer from below images:

SSC 2021 Biology Assignment Answer- FAQs
Yes, It is mandatory to submit the assignment solution to college authority. As its carries marks for the SSC Result.
Students can find the ssc biology assignment question on
The Students will find the SSC Biology Assignment Answer on
We have uploaded the SSC Biology assignment solution for sample purposes only so that Students can make or write the solution in the proper manner and style. Read carefully each solution to make your assignment perfect to get better marks in the Assessment.
According to the DSHE, The students must follow the Text Book Provided by NCTB for writing the better assignment.
Source: DSHE