SSC Result 2022: The ministry of education will publish the SSC Exam Result 2022 for all education board on 31st May 2022. They will publish the result on and In addition to the online, the result will also be available offline by SMS.
Generally The Board Exam Result is usually publish within 3 Months. But due to this new examination system, The Ministry of education has announced that the SSC Result 2022 will be published within 1 Month.
They will publish the Dhaka, Cumilla, Chattagram, Rajshahi, Dinajpur, Sylhet, Jessore, Barisal and Mymensingh education board Secondary School Certificate Examination Result simultaneously on 30th December 2021. They will also publish the Bangladesh Technical Education Board (Vocational) and Madrasah Education Board (Dakhil) Examination result on the same day.
The result is available on Both Online and Offline (SMS) Method. Students will be able to check the result from education board result official website or by sending an SMS.
Lets Dive it in:
Result Publish Date
According to the latest news, The SSC Result 2022 will published by the Ministry of Education on 31st May 2022 for all education board. The Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Examination was started at 14th November 2021 and ended on 23rd November 2021. Due to the new examination system, The ministry of education is publishing the result early.
The Ministry of education has said that, The SSC Result will be published within 1 Months from the last Exam. So, According to that information, The SSC Result 2022 publish date is 31st May 2022.
SSC/Dakhil/Vocational Result 2022
DUE to covid-19 Corona Situation, The Secondary School Certificate Curriculum and Examination System have both changed for the academic year of 2021. The Syllabus was reduced, an Assignment Assessment system was introduced and The exam was taken only for the group subjects.
The examinations was held with short syllabuses on three elective subjects on group basis, and 24 assignments has given for SSC students.
In this new examination system, Over 22 Lakhs candidates has participated in the Exam. The statistics, examination and all other information are as follows:
Particulars | Information |
Total Examinee | 22,27,113 |
General Education Board | 1809986 |
Madrasah Education Board | 301887 |
Technical Education Board | 124228 |
SSC Exam Result 2022
Unlike previous years, The SSC/Equivalent exam for the academic year of 2021 was held on new examination system.
This year’s SSC and Equivalent Exams were only held for three group subjects, rather than the usual all subjects. The syllabus was shorten and The ministry of education has given assignment to prepare the examination. No need to tell, The Assignment was also carries Marks.
It is already announced that the SSC Examination 2021 candidates will be evaluated based on JSC/JDC Result, Assignment Marks and SSC Examination Marks.
The Marks will be given other than group subjects based on the JSC/JDC Marks, Group Subjects marks will be prepared on the Test Exam Marks and there is also assignment marks.
By adding all these, The Ministry of education will prepare the Secondary School Certificate Result 2021.
The SSC Exam Result 2021 will be made available online, SMS and Web based application system.
The SSC Exam Result 2021 will be issued by the Ministry of Education on the 29th/31st of December 2021. Exams will be held with a truncated course because to the COVID-19 situation. Exams were held exclusively for group courses, and the curriculum was shortened.
There are three types of subjects for the Secondary School Certificate Examination: foundational, group, and elective. Exams for fundamental and optional subjects have been canceled by the Ministry of Education this year. Only the group-based subjects for the science, business, and humanities groups have been conducted.
As a result, the SSC Exam Result will be made public shortly. SSC Exam and Assignment Marks were used to calculate the SSC Result 2021 by the Ministry of Education.
Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Directorate completed to give the students the assignment work/activities. The students have also found the assignment useful in their preparation for the approaching Secondary School Certificate exams.
The JSC/JDC or Equivalent Examination results have been used to construct the Fundamental Subjects (Bangla, English, Math, Optional, and Other) Result. Now that everything has been done, the results will be made public.
To put it shortly , The SSC Exam Result 2021 will be issued by the Ministry of Education on the 29th/31st of December 2021. This year’s SSC Exam 2021 was limited to the group-based courses for Science, Business Studies, and Humanities. SSC Exam and Assignment Marks were used to calculate the Ministry of Education’s final score. Using the results of the JSC/JDC or Equivalent Examination, the Fundamental Subjects (Bangla, English, Math, Optional, and Other) Result has been generated.
Dakhil Result 2022
The ministry of education will publish the DAKHIL Exam Result 2021 online on the same day (30th December 2021). Students from madrasah education board can view the result with marksheet from the Official Madrasah Education Board Website.
They can also check the institute based exam result from this website. They will need their EIIN Number. Moreover the madrasah education board will also be available Offline.
Students can check the Dakhil Exam Result Offline by Sending an SMS. They need to use the following format to check the result.
To view the result by SMS, Type SSC <space> MAD <space> Your Roll Number <space> 2021 and send to 16222.
How to Know SSC Result 2022
Because there are numerous ways to find out your SSC exam results, you have many choices. The student wants to know, “How can I get my SSC exam results?” This is a simple question, and the solution is obvious. We’ll go over all of the ways you may check your results. and are two websites where students can acquire their results via online by entering their roll number, and they can also get results through the official education board result website. Apps for cellphones are also a viable option for obtaining the results.
Students can acquire their grades by sending a text message, by visiting the school website, or by downloading a full marksheet with their grades.
SSC Result 2022 by SMS
It is now possible for students to check their results while they are not connected to the internet. Students may check their SSC Exam Result 2021 by sending an SMS in the following format.
The SMS service makes it possible to acquire the results of the SSC examination 2021. After the Ministry of Education has released the results, students can check their results by sending an SMS to the number provided.
The SMS may be sent from any mobile operator in Bangladesh, including Teletalk, Grameen Phone, Banglalink, Airtel, and Robi, amongst other networks.
By SMS, you may search the results of the SSC Exam. Simply send an SMS with the following format:
SSC <space> First 3 letters of the respective Board <space> Roll Number <space> Passing Year and Send it to 16222.
Example: SSC DHA 448821 2021 and send to 16222.
The following are the first three letters of every education board in Bangladesh:
Board Name | Short Code |
Dhaka Board | DHA |
Chittagong Board | CHI |
Cumilla Board | COM |
Rajshahi Board | RAJ |
Jashore Board | JAS |
Dinajpur Board | DIN |
Mymensingh Board | MYM |
Sylhet Board | SYL |
Barishal Board | BAR |
Madrasah Board | MAD |
Technical Education Board | TEC |
eboardresults- SSC Web based Result
Web-based result release system allows students to access their results via the internet. is a Bangladeshi website that delivers web-based results for all of the country’s education boards.
on this site there are also available the results of institutions, districts, and centers; as well as comparisons of the previous and current exam results.
Students can access exam results for the Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Dinajpur, Barisal, Comilla, Jessore, and Mymensingh Education Boards on this page. Here you can also find the DAKHIL and Vocational Exam Result in addition to all the other information.
So, let’s talk about on how a student can access their result or entire marksheet with grades.
Step 1: Visit

In the First Step, Visit- eboardresults to open the web based result publication system and tap on SSC/Equivalent Result. Make your choice from the Current Result Section.
Step 2: Select SSC/Equivalent Result.

In the Second Step, Select the SSC/Equivalent Result from the provided links.
Step 3: Input the Necessary Informatin

In the Third Step, select the year, board, and result type of the exam you’re taking. The drop-down menu can be accessed. Please choose from the following options: SSC, Dakhil, or equivalent.
- Specify the year 2021.
- Select Board
- Select Individual Result from the result type.
- Type the Roll Number and the Registration Number into the respective fields.
- You must type in the security code given in the image.
Step 4: Tap on Get Result Button

Now, in the Final Step, The SSC Exam Result 2021 may now be viewed by clicking the “Get Result” button.
Tips: is the only website that allows students to verify their results without providing their registration number.
In a nutshell, gives you online access to all of Bangladesh’s educational boards’ results. Students can get SSC exam results for Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Dinajpur, Barisal, Comilla, Jessore, and Mymensingh Education Boards on this page. They merely need roll number to see the final result. SSC result 2022
It is the Ministry of Education’s first education board results website. Millions of students use this website every year to check their SSC Exam Result.
The Secondary School Certificate Examination Result may be seen here. Students will only be able to see their own results on this site.
Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Dinajpur, Barisal and Comilla, Comilla, Jessore, and Mymensingh SSC results are now available. Dakhil and Vocational Exam Result are also available here.
Just follow the instructions below if you want to see the results from this website.
- Visit
- You can choose from SSC, Dakhil, and Vocational exams.
- Select the name of your board from the list of available boards.
- The SSC Roll number and registration number must be entered.
- Complete the math calculations.
- To see the final result, press the submit button.
Students who want to see their exam results through will require both their Roll Number and their Registration Number.
The education board results website has been launched by the Bangladesh government. Check your SSC/Equivalent, Dakhil, and Vocational Exam Result from this website.
SSC Result 2022 by Apps
SSC and equivalent exam results can now be viewed through an official app developed by the Ministry of Education. Students can find the app on the Play Store Named “Education Board Results”.
To check the result, Students first need to download the apps from the play store and input the necessary information to check the result.
The step by step guideline on how to check the SSC Exam Result 2021 by are as follows for all education Board:
Step 1: Visit Google Play Store
In the First Step, Students need to visit the Official Google Play Store Website.
Step 2: Type ” Education Board Results” in Search Bar
In the Second Step, Search For Education Board Results Official App in the Search app option from google play store.
Step 3: Tap on Install
In the Third Step, Tap on the Install Button to install the Tap.
Step 4: Now Search the Result
Now in the Final Step, Select Exam Type, Input Roll Number and Registration Number, Select Board and view the result.
SSC Marksheet 2022 Download
If an student wants to download the full marksheet with number, they can download it from online. They will require roll number and registration number to view the marksheet and download it with full marks. is an education board result website where student can easily download the marksheet with grades without providing the registration number. The marks can only be shown if they provide registration number.
They can also download the marksheet from the respective education board website.
Frequently Asked Questions
SSC Result is the examination result for the Secondary School Certificate in bangladesh
Students can search the SSC Result 2021 through online by SMS and Apps.
you can use or to view the SSC Result 2022 from online.
Visit-, Select the Examination, Input the necessary information to download the marksheet for SSC Exam 2022 in Bangladesh.
To get full marksheet with number, visit-
In Conclusion, SSC Result 2022 will published by the Ministry of Education on 31st May 2022. The result is available on Both Online and Offline (SMS) Method. The Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Examination was started at 14th November 2021 and ended on 23rd November 2021. Exams were held exclusively for group courses, and the curriculum was shortened. Now that everything has been done, the results will be made public.