46th BCS Seat Plan Download 2021: Bangladesh Public Service commission is published the preliminary and Viva exam seat plan on bpsc.gov.bd.
Candidates now can download the seat plan in pdf file or can see the seat plan from below image.
BPSC is already announced the exam date. The exam date of 46 BCS Preliminary exam is 2024. Candidates can check the seat plan by downloading the pdf file from here.
Recently, The BPSC Authority just published the 45th BCS Preliminary Exam Seat plan on bpsc.gov.bd. Check the below image to know the seat plan.
Bangladesh Public Service Commission is approved the Bangladesh Public Service (BCS) to take the 46th BCS Examination on 2024
From the previous years perspective, the seat plan normally published before 2-3 days of the preliminary exam. So, the probable date for publish the seat plan is 2024.
The seat plan usually take place division wise. Applicants can select the division where they want to sit for the preliminary examination.
BPSC will announce the details seat plan and exam center of Dhaka, Rajshahi, Sylhet, Barisal, Chittagong, Rangpur, Mymensingh, Khulna before 2-3 days of the preliminary exam.
Now, they will publish the seat plan on the official website of Bangladesh public service commission- bpsc.gov.bd.
Recently, Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC) has published the 43rd BCS Circular. The online application form was available at – bpsc.teletalk.com.bd.
46th BCS Seat Plan Download 2024
The PSC Authority has published the BCS Details seat plan. The BPSC Authority has announced the exam date of 46th BCS Preliminary Exam. The BCS Preliminary Exam will be hold on 2024.The seat plan for the mcq exam will publish before 5-7 days of the exam.
The preliminary test 46th B.C.S. to be held on 2024 [MCQ Type], all types of watches, mobile phones, calculators, all types of electronic devices, any device like bank / credit card, etc are prohibited.
Candidates have already been informed about the following issues regarding prohibition of entry into the center and punishable offenses:
- It is strictly forbidden to bring books, all kinds of watches, mobile phones, calculators, all kinds of electronic devices, any device like bank / credit card, jewelery, bracelets and bags in the examination center. No candidate with prohibited material can enter the examination center.
- Candidates have to enter the examination center through the presence of the Executive Magistrate-Police at the gate of the examination center and search the prohibited items including mobile phones, watches, electronic devices with the help of metal detectors.
- Candidates should not cover their ears during the test. If it is necessary to use any kind of hearing aid in the ear, the approval of the commission should be obtained in advance along with the advice of the specialist doctor.
- If any prohibited material is found in the examination center from any candidate, it will be confiscated and the candidate will be disqualified for all future recruitment examinations to be taken by the Commission in future.
- The Bangladesh Public Service Commission is expecting the overall cooperation of all concerned in this regard.
All the candidates who wants to download and check the 43rd bcs seating plan, they will find here. We will update it here as soon as it published online.
Examination Date and Time, Live Updates
Time: 8.30 to 9.25 A.M.- Candidates will enter their respective examination rooms, take specific seats. Candidates can come to the examination hall by following the hygiene rules and maintain certain physical distances. In particular, no candidate without a mask can enter the exam.
Time: 9.30 to 9.55 A.M.- Answer sheets will be distributed among the candidates. The answer sheet will have 4 sets, such as set # 1, 2, 3 and 4. Candidates will write their district and registration number in the answer sheet and fill in the relevant circles of the registration number with ink ball point pen. Candidates will sign the attendance list. The admit card should be kept open on the table. The Photo and Signature of the attendance list need to matched with the photo and signature of the admit card, if discrepancies are found Appropriate action will be taken including expulsion.
Time: 10.00 A.M- Question papers will be distributed among the candidates. Similar to the answer sheet. The question paper will also have 4 sets, such as sets # 1, 2, 3 and 4. If an candidates gets the answer sheet of certain set number, he will be given the question paper of that set number. The set number of the answer sheet and the set number of the question paper should be the same. After that confirmation, the candidates will start answering.
Time: 12.00 P.M- The test will end. Candidates will be in their respective seats. The inspectors will collect the answer sheets. After the inspectors collect the answer sheets and understand, the candidates will follow the hygiene rules and gradually leave the examination room keeping a certain physical distance. Candidates can take the question paper with them.
So, This is the walkthrough of the Examination Day of the 46th BCS Preliminary Exam.

Download PDF (Full Seat Plan File)
46th BCS Seat Plan 2024 Download
This was the 46th bcs viva seat plan. The Viva exam will be held on BPSC Main Office, Shere Bangla Nagar, Dhaka. A Total of 2720 candidates has been selected for the viva exam.Now check the bcs viva seat plan from belwo:

41st BCS Preliminary Seat Plan Download:
After Download the admit card, the candidate will get a registration number. By using that registration number the candidate can see the seat plan.
The PSC Authority has published the BCS Details seat plan. This was the 41st bcs seat plan. Take have a look of center system of BCS exam.
Download BCS Seat Plan PDF File
All this information will be available on the BPSC Official Website. To check the seat plan:
- Visit- bpsc.gov.bd
- Click on BCS Exam.
- Download the Details 46th BCS Seat Plan.
46th BCS Admit Card Download:
After completing the online application and payment, the candidate was able to download the 46th BCS Admit Card.
If they are able to find the admit card from back then or lost the admit card, not to worry, they just need to download the admit card from the website.
Candidate will need the user id and password to download the Admit Card.
To Download the BCS Admit Card:
- Visit- bpsc.teletalk.com.bd
- Select BCS 46
- Click on Admit Card Option.
- Input the User ID and Password.
- Download the Admit Card and Print it on A4 Paper.
If you lost your Admit Card there is an opportunity to download the Admit Card, To Download the BCS Admit Card Again just use the above process again.
46th BCS Preliminary Examination :
The exam date for 43rd BCS Preliminary Exam is 6th August 2021. Bangladesh Public Service Authority will announce the exam center later.
Preliminary Exam | Preliminary | Vacant Posts | Applicants |
41st BCS | 19th March 2021 | 2,166 | 4,75,000 |
42nd BCS | 26th February 2021 | 2,000 | 32,000 |
43rd BCS | 6 August 2021 | 1,814 | – |
44th BCS | |||
45th BCS | 19th May 2024 | ||
46th BCS |
46th BCS Preliminary Mark Distribution:
- The Total Exam Time is- 2 Hours.
- Exam type: MCQ
- Total Number: 200, Total Question- 200, Marks- 1 per Question.
- Deduction Method: 0.50 Marks for every wrong answer.
Subject / Topic | Marks / Numbers |
Bengali Language and Literature | 35 |
English Language and Literature | 35 |
Bangladesh Affairs | 30 |
International Affairs | 20 |
Geography (Bangladesh and World), Environment and Disaster Management | 10 |
General science | 15 |
Computer and Information Technology | 15 |
Mathematical Reasoning | 15 |
Mental Skills | 15 |
Morality, Values and Good Governance | 10 |
Total = | 200 |
46th BCS Preliminary Syllabus:
The 46th BCS Preliminary Syllabus will be available at the Official website of Bangladesh Public Service Commission- bpsc.gov.bd.
Candidates can download the BCS Preliminary syllabus from here. Click on BCS Preliminary Syllabus to Download the PDF file.