SSC 2022 English 1st Paper Assignment Answer : Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary education is published the SSC Assignment Answer, work, solutions, and notice of English Subject for the week of 2nd on
SSC 2022 English Assignment Answer 2022
DSHE is published the class Ten English assignment work for the latest week. lets check the assignment work and content.
DSHE is published the Assigned Task and Assessment Criteria on the basis of Revised Syllabus due to COVID-19.
4th Week SSC 2022 English 1st Paper Assignment Work
Class: Ten
Subject Name: English
Assignment Serial: Assignment- 2
Assignment Work: This assignment is based on Unit 4 from EfT. People’s awareness to fight Covid in Bangladesh
Learning Outcomes: Ask and tell about the problems, Give suggestions
Instruction to students for writing the assignment answer: Write an essay in 300 words including the cues below.
- How do people behave in public places and in public transport?
- Do people maintain social distancing during the lock down due to Covid-19,
- How do people behave while moving from one place to another during festivals?
- Why do they do that?
- What could be the impact of such behavior?
- What could you do as a responsible citizen of the country to prevent such behavior?
Assessment Rubrics for Teacher:
The teacher will assess students’ work using the following lenses/marking criterion. Then she/he will aggregate the individual marks on each category for students’ achievement/score on this assignment.
4 = only one or two mistakes in total
3 = mistakes in less than a third of the sentences
2 = mistakes in more than half the sentences
1 = mistakes in more than two thirds of the sentences
0 = mistake in almost all sentences Vocabulary
4 = vocabulary varied and appropriate
3 = some minor vocabulary errors
2 = some serious misuse of vocabulary
1 = frequent repetition and very limited
0 = Vocabulary inadequate and inaccurate Spelling and punctuation
4 = only one or two mistakes in total
3 = mistakes in less than a third of the sentences
2 = mistakes in more than half the sentences
1 = mistakes in more than two thirds of the sentences
0 = mistake in almost all sentences Content/ideas
4 = content varied/appropriate/interesting
3 = good content & relevant but not developed sufficiently
2 = limited although adequate content
1 = Limited attempt to produce relevant content /repetition
0 = obviously memorized or copied from a different source/inappropriate content Communication
4 = ideas clear/flowing style/coherent and cohesive
3 = effective communication/mostly coherent and cohesive
2 = an effort needed to understand/incoherent
1 = very difficult to understand/extremely disjointed text 0 = meaningless text

2nd Week English 1st Paper Assignment
Class: Ten
Subject Name: English
Assignment Serial: Assignment- 1
Content- Lesson 1: This assignment is based on Unit 3 from EfT. Justify the statement- Festivals are for everyone.Total Marks = 15
Learning Outcomes: Talk about events and festivals
Instruction for Writing the Assignment answer:
Learners will write an easy here. In writing the assignment, answer the following questions.
- What are the most common events and festivals in Bangladesh?
- Narrate your own experience to take part in some events and festivals in your locality.
- How do these events and festivals shape you and your nation?
Assessment Rules:
The teacher will assess students’ work using the following lenses/marking criterion. Then she/he will aggregate the individual marks on each category for students’ achievement/score on this assignment.
Introducing common events and festivals of own locality
4 = Learner introduces varied events and festivals of different groups and give short description of them.
2 = Learner introduces events and festivals but the description is very limited.
0 = Learner does not answer this part.
Personal experience
3 = Learner narrates own experience of attending some events and festivals.
2 = Learner narrates own experience of attending an event and a festival.
1 = Learner narrates own experience of attending either an event or a festival.
0 = Learner does not answer this part.
Usefulness of events and festivals
5 = Learner produces a critical analysis on how these events and festivals shape him/her as a human being and how they are important in a nation’s life.
3 = Learner produces a critical analysis on how these events and festivals shapes him/her as a human being or how they are important in a nation’s life.
2 = Learner tries to produce a critical anylysis on why these events are important but the ideas are not very clear.
0 = This part is absent.
3 = The assignment has occasional grammatical errors.
2 = The assignment has random grammatical errors.
0 = None of the sentences is error free.

SSC 2022 English 1st Paper Assignment Answer for SSC Exam 2022
DSHE is published the class ten English assignment answer on Lets check the answer and solutions for the latest week.
4th Week English 1st Paper Assignment Answer
Questions Part: People’s awareness to fight COVID in Bangladesh
People’s awareness to fight Covid-19 in Bangladesh
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is drastically changing the lives of people, including the lives of young people. Schools and Universities have closed, exams and events postponed, the usual health information services are limited, socializing with friends and wider family is highly discouraged and in some places even punishable. Results imply that the government needs to ensure proper hygiene practices in public transit and non-motorized para transit vehicles. Moreover, Information and Communication Technology (ICT). pedestrian and bicycle facilities need to be improved.
Peoples Behaviors In Public Transport and Public Places:
Analyses revealed that COVID-19 caused large variation in mode preferences but small variation in trip frequencies. Males still go outside for work and shopping, putting them at greater risk than females. COVID-19 has drastically cut recreational trips, but not so many work trips. Although online work or education and shopping have risen, this seems to be limited to urban areas. Besides, buses continue to be preferred the most during pandemics for trips involving short-distance recreation, markets, and long-distance recreation. Results suggest the lack of online penetration in rural and suburban areas has prevented work trip reductions in those places, putting the inhabitants at heightened risk fr om viruses. Moreover, the majority of the people continue to use buses at the expense of their life for lack of cheaper alternatives.
No, people don’t maintain social distancing dining the lockdown due to Covid-19.
Following proper guidelines is easier said than done because of various sociology-economic aspects, prevalent especially in developing countries like Bangladesh. During the lock down due to Covid-19 people go out randomly without maintaining social distance whereas they should keep a distance of at least 1.5 meters (about 5 feet) between each other.
People’s behavior while moving from one place to another during festivals:
During festivals, People’s are moving from one place to another with their whole family without maintaining social distance. They engage in behaviors such as interacting with others fr om outside their own household, singing, and shouting, not maintaining physical distance, or not wearing masks consistently and correctly increasing the risk.
The Impact of Such Behaviors:
In this situation, if someone coughs or sneezes, they spray small droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain the virus. If we are too close, we can breathe in the droplets, including the COVED-19 virus if the person coughing has the disease, even if they do not feel sick.
The best way to fight the spread of the virus is to stay at home, be away from our friends and socialize online. If we must go outside or meet someone in person then we have to make sure to keep a distance of at least 1.5 meters (about 5 feet) between ourselves and anyone around.
What I can do as a responsible citizen of the country to prevent such behavior:
COVID-19 doesn’t care about national borders, and it’s everyone’s responsibility to take the actions we’re able to in order to limit its spread. As an individual. I can contribute to helping stop the spread of coronavirus by staying home. To prevent such behavior I can stay safe by taking some simple precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding crowds, cleaning my hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue. Besides. I can make people aware of the impact of the COVID situation.
What I can say to them-
Regularly and thoroughly clean hands with an alcohol-based hand nib or wash them with soap and water. This eliminates germs including viruses that may be on hands.Avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth. Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to their eyes, nose, or mouth. From there, the virus can enter their body and infect them.
Cover the mouth and nose with their bent elbow or tissue when they cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue Immediately into a closed bin and wash their hands.
By following good ‘respiratory hygiene’, they protect the other people around them from viruses, which cause colds, flu, and COVID-19.
2nd Week English Assignment Answer
Questions Part: Justify the statement- Festivals are for everyone
Festivals are for everyone
- The most common festival in Bangladesh-
Eid ul Fitr
Eid ul Adha
Durga Puja
Buddha Purnima
Pahela Baishak
Pahela Falgun
Nouka baich
Ekushey Boi Mela
May Day
International Mother Language Day
Bangladeshi Independence Day - My experience to take part in some events and festivals in my locality :
About five or six years ago, I celebrated my Pahela Baishak in my village. As this is the first day of the Bangla new year, this is the public holiday. My whole village was in a festive mood. I saw the villager’s inspiration to start with renewed hope and Inspiration on this day. I woke up early in the morning. Having a bath, I wore Punjabi and pajamas.
Hence during the last year in my Madrasah premises, I take part in our Independence Day festival. Our Madrasah arranged a cultural program on this day. The whole program was so impressive and it was a great festival in my life.
- Festivals are for everyone my justification for this statement is as follows :
Festivals act like stress relievers and help us balance our emotions. More positivity naturally lowers negativity. It also provides an opportunity to reduce friction and brings estranged friends and relatives together in a bond of love. Nothing brings people together as festivals do. They play a pivotal role in nation-building; bringing people from every religious, economic, and social background together. Festivals linked with religion, social organization, and political processes were celebrated. Festivals contribute immensely to feelings of social cohesion.
Many such celebrations focus on cultural or ethnic topics and seek to inform community members of their traditions. They involved community elders sharing stories and experiences setting templates for maintaining Unity among families. Festivals also stimulate economic activities since they provide employment opportunities to people.
Eid-ul-Fitr :
This is the most joyful occasion of all Muslims across the country. Even the non-muslims like to join the celebration of Eid with everyone. The holiday comes after the month of Ramadan where the Muslim believers performed fasting for 30 days. We believe that Eid day is the blessing from Allah to enjoy the achievement after long 30 days of fasting. In the morning, all the mosques and fields fills with people to perform the eid salat. Prior to that, they take shower, get ready to wear new Pajama Punjabi, and apply perfume. After finishing Eid’s prayer, they embrace each other and finally leave the Eidgah compound. Then everyone visits their families, neighbors, and relatives and has delicious foods. People serve sweet desserts like Kheer, Payesh, and also heavy items like Biriyani, Korma throughout the day.
Eid ul Adha :
This is another Eid for Muslims which occurs about two months after the Eid-ul-Fitr. Likewise, people perform their Eid Salat in the morning. After returning from mosques they take some light breakfast. This is the holy Eid where they sacrifice their favorite animals for Allah. The streets are crowded with mostly cows and goats. After slaughtering those, people engage themselves in butchering the meat. Then the meat is distributed in three portions. One is for own, another one is for relatives and the rest of the path is distributed among poor people. By evening, the meat is cooked and people start having them and enjoy the taste of Eid with everyone.
Justify the statement – Festivals are for everyone.
Durga Puja:
Durga Puja is an annual festival for Hindu believers. This occasion comes at the Hindu month of Ashwin and lasts for 4 days. As you would expect, the event consists of family and social gatherings. Gifting to each other, lighting, and decorating houses are very common. People worship their Goddess Durga inside temples. They perform ancient religious singing and dancing and paste powder color on each other’s faces to bring the celebration mode on. Eventually, the process ends with Idol immersion in the river.
Buddha Purnima:
Buddha Purnima is celebrated by Buddhist descent of the country to celebrate the birthday of Gautam Buddha. They observe it annually according to the Gregorian Calendar. On this day, they decorate the Buddhist temples. A fair is held outside of temples. Also, play some music containing Buddha’s message. Finally, the believers attend the prayer, light candles, and recite the three jewels and 5 precepts.
Christmas or ‘Boro Din’ (the big day) in Bengali is celebrated among the Christian community as the birth of Jesus Christ. It is an annual occasion observed on 25th December. On this day, Christian people decorate their houses beautifully with lights, flowers, and ribbons. They made or bought Christmas trees from shops. Delicious foods are cooked. In fact, a grand dinner is organized at night. Neighbors and relatives come to visit. Santa Claus, known as Father Christmas arrives at home wearing a red gown and spectacles with a long white beard. Children love him as he brings gifts for them wrapped in colorful paper.
Pahela Baishakh:
One of the cultures that Bengali people have been following with zeal for centuries, is Pahela Baishakh. This is the first day of Bengali New Year and the most popular occasion in Bangladesh. Both men and women are dressed in red and white. Girls wear saree with colorful bangles and boys wear Punjabi. They make various activities in many places throughout the day. At the fair, the shop keepers present Bengali foods like Panta Ilish (Hilsa fish and rice), various pithas (cakes), candyfloss, etc in front of the visitors. Nagordola (Ferris wheel) is set for amusement. Meanwhile, the singers sing folk songs Under Bot-tola (The Banyan tree).
Pohela Falgun:
Pohela Falgun is one of the most popular days in Bengali culture. Generally, this day is on the 13th of February of the year. This is the first day of Spring. People welcome this day wearing yellow and white. Some people buy flowers and present those to their loved ones. Bengali women set flower crowns around their heads. They like to use a variety of flowers but majorly Marigold as it has the color of Spring. People play the most beautiful Spring song ‘Basanta ese geche’ (the spring has arrived) everywhere from the morning.