DSHE Result 2021: Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education is published the Preliminary exam result on the official website- dshe.gov.bd. The Preliminary and Written exam is also available on the DSHE online Application website is- dshe.gov.bd
They have published the exam date for the post of demonstrator, Office Sohayok. Soon, They will publish the exam result. The exam for the post of Office Sohayok was held on 24th September 2021. It was held on 201 Exam Center all over in Bangladesh Mainly Dhaka District.
Though the result was set to publish on 24th September 2021 at night. But due to some reason they will publish the result within the 7 days and this week. We will update the result as soon as it publish on the website.
Candidates selected in the written exam result have to participate in the viva exam. DSHE will announce the exam date and instructions after the publication written exam result.
The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education published the job circular 2020 in dshe.gov.bd. DSHE Online Application Form is available at dshe.teletalk.com.bd. Information about how to apply online, Download admit card, and how to check result is available at recruitment notice.
The Online Application was started from 1st November 2020 and ended on 30 November 2020. There are a total of 4032 vacant posts available in 28 categories.
Dshe is published the written exam date on the official website- dshe.gov.bd notice board. Candidates participated in the written exam, now can check the result.
Update: DSHE is published the Schedule of Written (MCQ) Examination to be held on 22-10-2021 for recruitment of manpower. Information regarding exam date, admit card is available below on this article.
Lets dive it in:
DSHE Job Circular and Result:
Directorate of Secondary and High Secondary Education is inviting applications to temporarily fill up the following posts against the Department of Secondary and Higher Education vacancies and its affiliated office / educational institution.
Job Summary:
Particulars | : | Information |
Organization | : | The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Short form DSHE |
Official Website | : | dshe.gov.bd |
Online Application Portal | : | dshe.teletalk.com.bd |
Type | : | Government |
Vacant Post | : | 4032 |
Educational Qualification | : | Secondary, Higher Secondary and Graduation Level in Bangladesh |
Age | : | 18-30 years (General Candidates), 18-32 years (Freedom Fighters, Other Quota) |
Application | : | Online SMS Based Application System |
Payment Method | : | Teletalk by SMS |
Payment | : | BDT 50/100 |
Application Opening Date | : | 1st November 2020 |
Closing Date | : | 30th November 2020 |
Post Name:
- Demonstrator,
- Laboratory Assistant,
- Research Assistant,
- Office Assistant cum computer typist,
- Steno typist-cum-computer Operator,
- Cashier,
- Upper Division Assistant,
- Store Keeper,
- Driver,
- Office Sohayok,
- Security Guard,
- Cleaner and
- Others.
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DSHE Online Application- dshe teletalk com bd
The Eligible Candidate can apply through the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education application online. Application fees must be paid through Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd.
By following the below steps, Applicants will be able to fill up the DSHE Online Application Form.
Step 1: Visit- dshe.teletalk.com.bd
Step 2: Click on Apply Now [Online Application Form]
Step 3: For Apply, Click on the post name that applicants want to apply for.
Step 4: Fill up the Online Application Form by inputting the Personal Information, Present and Permanent Address, Educational Qualification, and other information.
Step 5: The Next step is to upload the photo and signature of the candidates. The photo should be 300×300 color photograph and file size 100 KB. The signature should be 300×80 pixels and file size 60 KB.
Step 6: Verify all the information and submit the Application Form.
Payment Instruction:
Successful Applying Online Applicants have to pay the applicable fees within 72 hours of the application.
If an applicant fails to pay the application fees within the given time on the applicant’s copy, their application will be considered canceled.
Applicants have to pay BDT 56/112 through Teletalk Bangladesh Limited pre-paid SIM for the applied post to avoid such a situation.
Applicants need to send two messages to complete the application.
First SMS: DSHE <space> User ID and Send to 16222.
Example: DSHE HDHUSF and Send it to 16222.
Second SMS: DSHE <space> YES <space> PIN Number and Send to 16222.
Example: DSHE YES 51247985 and Send to 16222
Note: The PIN Number for the Second message will be available at the first SMS Reply from the authority.
DSHE Exam Notice 2021:
In order to recruit manpower for the Department of Secondary and Higher Education and various offices / educational institutions under the department, on 22/10/2021 from 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm in 08 categories Written examination will be held for the posts of (Operator, Shorthand-cum-Computer Operator, High Quality Assistant, Mechanic cum Electrician and Driver, Research Assistant, Assistant Librarian cum Cataloger, Laboratory Assistant, Shorthand-cum-Computer).
The admit card has to be downloaded and printed from the website http://dshe.teletalk.com.bd. The name and address of the center are mentioned in the admit card.
The instructions in this regard will be communicated to the candidates on their respective mobile numbers through SMS by Teletalk.
Detailed notification regarding seating arrangement, schedule and instructions can be found on the website of the Department of Secondary and Higher Education http://www.dshe.gov.bd.
DSHE Admit Card Download:
The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education will publish the admit card at the online portal- dshe.teletalk.com.bd.
The notice about the issuing the admit card will be available at dshe.gov.bd. The Applicants will also be notified by an SMS with the User ID and Password.
Note: Only Eligible candidates will be notified about the examination. The DSHE Exam Date, time, the center name will be available on the admit card.
Exam Date: DSHE is published the Exam Date and Seat plan for the post of Demonstrator Post on dshe.gov.bd. The Exam Date was 27th August 2021. Soon. they will publish the exam result for the post of demonstrator.
How to Download the DSHE Admit Card:
Step 1: Visit- dshe.teletalk.com.bd
Step 2: Click on Admit Card from the menu.
Step 3: Input the User ID and Password.
Step 4: Click on Submit to Download the Admit Card.
DSHE Exam Result 2021 @dshe.teletalk.com.bd
The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Examination will be available at the notice section of dshe.gov.bd. The DSHE Result will be available online for the candidates.
DSHE will also publish the result on dshe.teletalk.com.bd. We will publish both image or pdf file of the result. So, Candidates just need to follow this article to search and download the result in pdf file.

Read Also- CAAB Exam Result 2021
DSHE Result 2021 PDF File:
Candidates can download the pdf file of MCQ, Written Result from here, by clicking the below link:
By Post
Exam Type | : | Result |
Demonstrator | : | Download PDF |
Office Sohayok | : | Download PDF |
Shorthand-cum-Computer Operator, | : | Download PDF |
Upper Division Assistant | : | Download PDF |
Mechanic cum Electrician and Driver | : | Download PDF |
Research Assistant | : | Download PDF |
Assistant Librarian cum Cataloger | : | Download PDF |
Laboratory Assistant | : | Download PDF |
Shorthand-cum-Computer | : | Download PDF |
By Exam Type
Exam Type | : | Result |
MCQ | : | Download PDF |
Written | : | Download PDF |
Viva | : | Download PDF |
How to Check the DSHE Result:
Step 1: Visit- dshe.gov.bd
Step 2: Click on View All Notice.
Step 3: Check the Result.
Frequently Asked Question:
Simply, Visit- dshe.teletalk.com.bd, input the user id and password to download the admit card.
DSHE Exam Result of Preliminary Exam will publish within 30 days from the exam date.
Candidates can check the DSHE Preliminary Exam Result on dshe.gov.bd and dshe.teletalk.com.bd website.
Hello,dshe ar “security gard” result ki dise.plesae kew janaben
no, the security guard result has not published yet, but will publish soon.
Dshe er 27th August j exam holo oitar result ki dewa hoise ??
no, the results has not been published yet,, but it will publish soon,.
20 march clear post er resutl ki hoyca
28 09 2021 ar result hoace
no the result has not published yet,,,
When published of dshe result??
The DSHE result of different post like office assistant, demonstrator will publish soon.
Office sohayok er result ko dice?
24 September office assistant er examer result ki diche..?
No, the result has not been published yet, we will update it here as soon as it publish on the website.
When Publish Office Assistant Exam Result??
very soon. they are now preparing the result for publishing on the website.
24/092021 DSHE er office assistant er result ki thece?
DSHE office assistant result will publish soon. The exam was held on 24 September 2021.
Dshe office shyohok result kabe
The DSHE Authority is preparing the result sheet to publish on the website.
24 office assistant exam result kobe dibbe
the date for result publication by dshe has not published yet,
When Publish Office Assistant Exam Result??
the office assistant exam result will publish soon on this website.
Dshe office assistant er result kobe dibi
the date for publish the result for the post of office assistant is not publish yet,..
Vai kobe deba office shohayok mcq Exam 24 September naki result hoyace ?
very soon ,, they are preparing the result for publishing on the website.
ভাই কতদিনে মধ্যে dshe অফিস সহায়ক পদে রেজাল্ট হতে পারে????
আগামী ৭দিন থেকে ১ মাসের মধ্যে dshe অফিস সহায়ক পদের রেজাল্ট দেওয়ার সম্ভবনা বেশী, তারা রেজাল্ট প্রকাশ করার প্রস্তুতি নিচ্ছে।
When give dshe result please say to me??
Veryy soon, when the result will publish, we will update it here…
কবে dshe এর রেজাল্ট দিবে
the date for the publish the result has not announced yet,,,
office assistant result kobe dibe
Upper-division assistant ar exam ki hoiaa gesa? kobe hobe?
24 septembar . DSHE er office Assistant er result ki dice …?
No, the result has not been declared yet, but they will publish the result soon…
Cleaner post ar written exam ar result Kobe dibe 20 March ,2021 ar iktu janaben plz ???
After the DSHE completed the preparation for publishing the result..
when will the dshe office soyahok result?
when will the dshe results?
very soon,..
Dshe er result kobe publishe hobe
Dshe er office assistant er result kobe published hobe.
the result will be published soon.
22 অক্টোবর 2021 DSHE এর Machine Cum Electrician পরীক্ষা সম্পূর্ণ হলো রেজাল্ট কবে হবে? জানাবেন দয়াকরে
Dshe এর result কত দিনের মধ্যে দিতে পারে?
upper division assistant result kobe dive
The dshe upper division assistant result is not published yet,, soon they will publish the result
Actually result koto tarikhe dibe
The date has not declared yet,,
Dshe er night guard exam er result ki disa
No, The result has not been published yet,, soon they will publish the result..
DSHE Result hole amra jante parbo kivabe
Office shohayok result kobe dibe
ভাই- অফিস সহায়ক পদের রেজাল্ট কি হয়েছে???
No, the result for Office Sohayok of DSHE is not published yet..
কবে অফস সহায়ক পদের রেজাল্ট দিতে পারে , আর সব পদের রেজাল্ট কি একসাথে দিবে?
যেহেতু তারা এখনো রেজাল্ট প্রকাশ করে নি,, সব পদের রেজাল্ট একসাথে দেওয়ার সম্ভবনা আছে।
স্টোর ম্যান পদের রেজাল্ট কবে হবে দয়া করে জানাবেন কি?
result kobe hobe
Upper division assistant er result ki deya hoyeche??
অফিস সহায়ক পদের রেজাল্ট কতদিনের ভিতর দিতে পারে?
The Specific Date has not announced yet, But usually they publish the result within 30 days from the exam date.
Results ta kobe dibe.. Keo ki janen..?
upper Division Assistant er Result kobe dibe?
DSHE ড্রাইভার নিয়োগের ফলাফল প্রকাশ করেছে?
dsha written exam result desa
24 September 2021 date ar exam results ki published hoicay
CAAB er driving result kobe hobe kew ki bolte paren EXM date 22-10-21
CAAB er driving result kobe hobe kew ki bolte paren EXM date 29-10-21
DSHE driving result ki hoyce exm date 22-10-21
Result ki hobe
dshe mechanic cum Electrician er result kobe dibe janaben plss
DSHE Driver result will be published?
22/10/21 Exam, post:Upper Division assistant. Result kobe hobe?
office shoyaok result ki dise?
আসসালামু আলাইকুম DSHE এই নিয়োগের ড্রাইভার পদের রেজাল্ট কবে দিবে?
Please 22/10/21 Mechanic cum electrician result publish date
Cashier/store Keeper result diche?
22 tarikher mechanic cum electrician post ar result kbe hbe..
Laibrerian poste results kobe hobe…. janaben