HSD Exam Result 2021: Health Service Department Job Exam Result is available online. Candidates who wants to check the written and viva exam result, they can check the result from the official website- hsd.gov.bd.
They have recently published the exam date and seat plan for the post of Cashier, Computer Operator, Accountant, Auditor, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist. The Written exam date is 19th November 2021.
After the completion of written exam, the job exam result will be available in here as well as in the official website.
HSD Job Result Summaries:
Particulars | : | Information |
Organization | : | Health Service Department |
Official Website | : | hsd.gov.bd |
Exam Date | : | 19th November 2021 (Written Exam) |
Result Publish Date | : | Will Publish Soon. |
List of Post:
- Cashier,
- Computer Operator,
- Accountant,
- Auditor,
- Office Assistant cum Computer Typist.
Read Also- DOS Exam Result 2021
HSD Online Application @hsd.teletalk.co.bd
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare invites applications to apply for the vacant position in Health Service Department. Candidates who wants apply for this position can apply from hsd.teletalk.com.bd website.
Online Form Fill Up Instruction:
- First of All, you need to go to Heath Service Department (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) Official Website which is www.mohfw.gov.bd then go to jobs circular page & click the particular link or
- go to Directly http://hsd.teletalk.com.bd
- Then click the link called Application form (Click Here to Apply online)
- Select Your Desired Position and click next.
- Fill up the Application form with correct information and Click next
- Upload your photo and Signature.
- Photo Instruction: Upload a color photograph which Size should be 300 × 300 pixels (Maximum 100 KB)
- Signature Instruction: Upload a Signature which size should be 300 × 80 pixels (Maximum 60 KB)
- After upload photo and signature, check all your information and Click Submit.
- After Submission your application form you have to download the applicant copy. If possible, you should print your applicant copy.
- In that applicant copy, you will find a USER ID. It will be used for payment later.
Payment Instruction:
- After Complete your application form you must complete the payment within the 72 hours from submitting your application form.
- The payment must be completed via TELETALK pre-paid SIM
- It is specially mentioned that though you completed the online application form, your application will not be accepted unless you make payment.
- Please follow the below instruction to how to make payment by SMS:
- 1st SMS: Go to your message, create a message Type HSD <space> Your User ID and send it to 16222.Example: HSD CHDIWK and send it to 16222
- 2nd SMS: After sending the 1st SMS, you should find a pin number. In 2nd SMS Type HSD <space>YES <space> Pin Number (That you got in your 1st SMS) and send it to 16222. Example: HSD YES 1548487 and send it to 16222.
After Complete the payment by SMS, you will get a congratulation SMS with a USER ID and PASSWORD. Save USER ID and PASSWORD for download the admit card Later.
Terms and condition
- Incomplete Application will be rejected; you must complete your Application.
- To avoid last minutes congestion, you should apply before the deadline. As a result, you will not face any problem for submitting your application.
- Any persuasions or canvassing in any stage of selection process shall be treated as disqualification of candidature.
- The Authority has the right to accept or reject any or all of the applications without assigning any reason.
Health Service department Exam Date and Seat Plan:
The Candidate will find the HSD Seat Plan on the Admit Card. The authority will also publish the Health Service Department Seat Plan on the Official Website- hsd.gov.bd
They have announce the exam date on the website. HSD Cashier, Computer Operator, Accountant, Auditor, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist post exam date is 19th November 2021.
Candidates need to bring the admit card to the examination center. A total of 14000 (Approx) Candidates are participating the written exam. The exam date, venue and center are as follows in the below image:

Health Service Department Exam Result
The Health Service Department (HSD) has not published the Exam seat plan and result yet. It will Publish on their website which is www.hsd.gov.bd
To Know the HSD Exam Result:
- Visit- hsd.gov.bd
- Go to Notice Board
- Download the Health Service Department Exam Result.
Candidates can also search your result from here, we will update it here when any information is available.