NSI Result 2021 Download PDF : National Security of Intelligence is published the preliminary, Written exam result for different posts on cnp.teletalk.com.bd.
As of Now, They have published the Watcher Constable, Junior Field Officer, Assistant Director, Assistant Programmer, Research Officer, Betar Chalok, Computer Technician, Radio Technician, Accountant cum Cashier, Office assistant Cum Computer Typist, Office assistant, Steno Typist cum Computer Operator, Photographer (Written Result) and Despues Rider Preliminary (MCQ Type) Result on the Official website.
On 16th November 2021, NSI is published the written result for the post of [WO, RT, CT & ACC]. Check the result in image or pdf file from below.
On 5th November, 2021, The MCQ Result for the post of Watcher Constable and Junior Field Officer is published by the NSI Authority.
On 28th October 2021, The NSI Recruitment Authority has release the mcq test result for the post of Assistant Director, Assistant Programmer, Research Officer and Field Officer.
on 24th October 2021, The National Security of Intelligence is published the MCQ Exam Result for the post of Betar Chalok, Computer Technician, Radio Technician, Accountant cum Cashier. Candidates now can check the result from the below image. NSI Office Sohayok Result is now published by the National Security of Intelligence.
NSI just published the written result, viva date and necessary steps for the post of Office assistant Cum Computer Typist, Office assistant, Steno Typist cum Computer Operator, Photographer (Written Result) and Despues Rider (MCQ Result). Candidates check check and download the pdf file of cnp exam result from cnp.teletalk.com.bd. They just need to follow this article. The exam result is available on the result section in this article.
Prime Ministry Office Just published the CNP Written Exam Result for the post of Office Assistant Cum Computer Operator, Stenographer Cum Computer Operator, Office Shohayok, Photographer in pdf file. Just follow this article to check, view and download the exam result.
The Authority is published the exam date for Junior Field Officer, wireless operator, watcher constable, office shoyahok and many other post online. CNP Admit Card for different posts are now available at cnp.teletalk.com.bd. Applicants will find the exam result for all this post in this website.
Applicants will find the Assistant Director, Research officer, Assistant Programmer, Field Officer, Computer Technician, Radio Technician, Accountant cum cashier, Junior Field Officer, Steno-typist cum computer operator, Photographer, Wireless Operator, Office Assistant, Office Assistant cum computer typist, Watcher Constable, Des-patch Rider, Office Shohayok from the official website.
They just need the roll number from the admit card to check the result. They can visit- cnp.teletalk.com.bd or nsi.teletalk.com.bd to download pdf file of the preliminary exam result.
NSI will take three exams- Preliminary, Written and Viva to recruit the candidates. They will publish the result after the one exam ended.
According to the recruitment rules, Candidates pass in the Preliminary exams can sit for the written test. Same as for the viva exam.
Now, National Security of Intelligence is published the admit card for different post. They can just login with their user id and password to download the admit card.
The Online Application form was available from 10th January 2021 and was ended on 23rd January 2021.
Let’s dive it in:
- Result
- Preliminary Result
- Written Result
- Viva Result
- How to Get Result
- Download Admit Card
- Application Form
- Job Circular
NSI Job Summary:
Particulars | : | Information |
Organization | : | National Security of Intelligence |
Official Website | : | pmo.gov.bd |
Online Application Portal | : | nsi.teletalk.com.bd or cnp.teletalk.com.bd |
Type | : | Government |
Vacant Post | : | 990 |
Educational Qualification | : | Eight, SSC, HSC, Honours or Masters Degree. |
Age | : | 21-30 years |
Application | : | Online Based Recruitment System |
Payment Method | : | Teletalk Bangladesh Limited |
Payment | : | 56/112 |
Application Opening Date | : | 10th January 2021 |
Closing Date | : | 23rd January 2021 |
- Assistant Director
- Research officer
- Assistant Programmer.
- Field Officer
- Computer Technician
- Radio Technician
- Accountant cum cashier.
- Junior Field Officer
- Steno typist cum computer operator.
- Photographer
- Wireless Operator
- Office Assistant
- Office Assistant cum computer typist.
- Watcher Constable.
- Des-patch Rider.
- Office Shohayok.
Also Read- DSHE Exam Result 2021
How to Apply:
Interested and Eligible candidates can apply online. They can fill up the online application form at cnp.teletalk.com.bd
To fill up the online Application Form:
- Visit- cnp.teletalk.com.bd
- Apply Online [Tap on Application Form]
- Select the post to apply.
- Fill up the required information.
- Upload the photo and Signature.
- Photo Instruction: Upload a color photograph which Size should be 300 × 300 pixels (Maximum 100 KB)
- Signature Instruction: Upload a Signature which size should be 300 × 80 pixels (Maximum 60 KB)
- After upload photo and signature, check all your information and Click Submit.
- After Submission your application form you have to download the applicant copy. If possible, you should print your applicant copy.
- In that applicant copy, you will find a USER ID. It will be used for payment later.
Payment Method:
- Applicants need to complete the payment by paying the application fees.
- Applicants can make the payment by using teletalk SIM.
- The Online Application will not complete unless they make the payment.
- Please follow the below instruction to make the payment by SMS:
First SMS: Go to your message, create a message and Type CNP <space> Your User ID and send it to 16222.
Example: CNP SDKFSDK and send it to 16222
Second SMS: After sending the 1st SMS, you should find a pin number.
In 2nd SMS Type CNP<space>YES <space> Pin Number (That you got in your 1st SMS)
and send it to 16222.
Example: CNP YES 15478413 and send it to 16222.
- After Complete the payment by SMS, Applicants will get a congratulation SMS with a USER ID and PASSWORD.
- Save USER ID and PASSWORD for download the admit card Later.
Read Also- CAAB Exam Result 2021
NSI Admit Card Download:
National Security of Intelligence is published the admit card on cnp.teletalk.com.bd. Candidates can download the admit card with their user id and password.
Though the applicants will get an SMS to download the admit card, but they can also download the admit card if they not informed by an SMS.
How to Download the Admit Card:
- Visit- cnp.teletalk.com.bd
- Tap on Admit Card
- Select the exam [Preliminary]
- Input the User id and Password
- Now, Download the Admit Card.
NSI Result 2021 @nsi.teletalk.com.bd
National Security of Intelligence will publish the exam result online. Applicants can download and check the preliminary, written and viva exam result from nsi.teletalk.com.bd or cnp.teletalk.com.bd
Candidates can download the full list of selected candidates for preliminary, written and viva exam from the official website.

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NSI Preliminary Result (MCQ Type) 2021 PDF File:
The Preliminary Exam Result for the different posts of the recruitment at NSI through CNP is available online. As for now, they have published the preliminary result for Office assistant Cum Computer Typist, Steno Typist cum Computer Operator, Office assistant, Photographer post.
The preliminary exam date for watcher constable, wireless operator and many other post is published by NSI. Soon, the exam result will publish online. Candidates can download the pdf file from here.
The result is available on both image or pdf file. Candidates who have appeared in the exam now can download pdf file from below links:
Post Name | : | Result |
Office Assistant Cum Computer Typist | : | Download PDF |
Steno Typist cum Computer Operator | : | Download PDF |
Office Assistant | : | Download PDF |
Photographer | : | Download PDF |
Office Shoyahok | : | Download PDF |
Watcher Constable | : | Download PDF |
Wireless Operator | : | Download PDF |
Junior Field Officer | : | Download PDF |
Computer Technician | : | Download PDF |
Accountant Cum Cashier | : | Download PDF |
Betar Chalok | : | Download PDF |
Redio Technician | : | Download PDF |
Assistant Director, Assistant Programmer, Research Officer and Field Officer | : | Download PDF |
NSI Written Result (MCQ Type) 2021 PDF File:
National Security of Intelligence just published the written exam result for the post of Office assistant Cum Computer Typist, Office assistant, Steno Typist cum Computer Operator, Photographer and Despues Rider.
Download the Full Result in pdf file from below links:
NSI [WO, RT, CT & ACC] Written result
NSI is published the written test result held on 29-10-2021 for direct appointment in the post of “Radio Driver, Computer Technician, Radio Technician and Accountant-cum-Cashier.
338 candidates is selected for the post of radio operator, 5 for computer technician, 5 for radio technician and 5 for accountant-cum-cashier. The list of successful candidates are given in the below image:

NSI Watcher Constable Result 2021
The NSI Authority will soon publish the preliminary result for the post of watcher constable. The exam for this post was held on 17th September 2021. According to the latest news, they will publish the exam result on the last week of September, 2021.
Candidates who have appeared in the exam can easily get here the result by following the guideline provided below. They will be able to download the pdf file of the result or view the image file from here.
For the information of all concerned, it is being informed that the MCQ examination for the post of “Field Staff” was held on 18-09-2021 for the direct recruitment of manpower in the Department of National Security. A total of 4903 candidates have passed the written test on the basis of the highest marks obtained in the MCQ examination as per the district based merit list. The train numbers of the successful candidates are given below:

NSI Junior Field Officer Result 2021
National Security of Intelligence is announced the exam date for the post Junior Field Officer. The Exam date was 24th September 2021. Candidates who have participated in the exam for the post of Junior Field Officer now are waiting for the result. We will publish the exam result as soon as it is available on the website.
For the information of all concerned, it is to be informed that MCQ examination for the post of “Junior Field Officer” was held on 24-09-2021 for direct recruitment of manpower in the Department of National Security. A total of 720 candidates have passed the written test on the basis of the highest marks obtained in the MCQ examination as per the district-based merit list. The train numbers of the successful candidates are given below:

NSI Assistant Director, Assistant Programmer, Research Officer and Field Officer MCQ Result 2021
For the information of all concerned, it is to be informed that NSI is published MCQ examination results for the posts of Assistant Director, Assistant Programmer, Research Officer and Field Officer for direct recruitment of manpower in the Department of National Security. The Exam was held on 08-10-2021.
According to the highest marks obtained in the MCQ examination, 1717 candidates for the post of Assistant Director, 65 candidates for the post of Assistant Programmer, 21 candidates for the post of Research Officer and 1251 candidates for the post of Field Officer is Passed on the examination. The Roll numbers of the successful candidates are given below:

Download the Full PDF File from the below Links. They have also published the police verification form and NSI verification form for the post viva voce.
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NSI Radio Technician, Computer Technician, Radio Operator and Accountant-cum-Cashier MCQ Result
NSI Just published the result of the MCQ examination was held on 11-09-2021 for direct appointment to the posts of “Radio Technician, Computer Technician, Betar Chalok and Accountant-cum-Cashier” of the Department of National Security.
In the MCQ examination, 649 students have passed the written test for the post of radio operator, 11 candidates for the post of computer technician, 11 candidates for the post of radio technician and 15 candidates for the post of accountant-cum-cashier. The list of successful candidates are given in the below image:

NSI office Sohayok Result 2021
For the information of all concerned, it is being informed that the MCQ examination was held on 10-09-2021 for the post of Office Sohayok of the National Security Intelligence Department.
Documents that are required for taking part in the interview / oral examination are as follows:
- 1) 4 copies of freshly attested photo
- 2) Copy of written and MCQ exam Admit Card and online application / Applicant’s Copy
- 3) Attested copy of all certificates of educational qualification should be submitted and original certificate should be displayed.
- 4) Attested copy of permanent certificate of citizenship certificate must be submitted and original certificate must be displayed.
- 5) Attested copy of National Identity Card / Birth Certificate and original card should be displayed.
- 6) Original no-objection letter in case of employed candidates.
- 7) In case of candidates applying for freedom fighter quota, certificates, gazettes and other proofs of the concerned freedom fighters Attested copy must be submitted and original certificate must be displayed. In case of disabled candidates to submit attested copy of the relevant certificate issued by the concerned department And show the original certificate.
- 8) In case of candidates belonging to small ethnic groups, attested copy of the relevant certificate and original certificate should be shown.
- 9) Minimum 3 weeks training certificate of Ansar and village defense members as relevant evidence Attested copy must be submitted and original certificate must be displayed.
It is the Web address: http://cnp.teletalk.com.bd for filling up Necessary documents by the candidate for the viva voce. They have also published the police verification form and NSI verification form for the post viva voce.
A total of 281 candidates have passed the MCQ examination on the basis of the highest marks in the district-based merit list. The oral examination of the successful candidates will be held according to the following schedule.

To Search The Result 2021:
- Visit- pmo.gov.bd
- Tap on Notice Board
- View all notice
- Now, check for preliminary exam result.
- Download the result and check with roll number.
How to get NSI Job result 2021:
Candidates can use the above method to get the NSI job result. or can download the PDF file from the below links.
Exams | : | Result |
MCQ | : | Download PDF () |
Written | : | Download PDF |
Viva | : | Download PDF |
Check- BBS Exam Result 2021 for preliminary and written exam result.
CNP Result 2021 (Pictorial) @cnp.teletalk.com.bd

NSI Exam Result 2021- FAQs
The NSI Exam Result will be published online within 30 days from the exam date.
As there is no specific website of NSI. The NSI Exam Result is available on cnp.teletalk.com.bd
Yes, NSI is published the Job Circular on cnp.teletalk.com.bd website.
3mach CNP exam results published or not?
No, the results has not been published yet.
NSI AD er exam date Koba?
result kobe publish kobe hote pare ar kon website tika jante parbo???
Cnp office sohayok and despues rider result kmn pabo kew jnaben plZ
রেজাল্ট প্রকাশিত হওয়ার সাথে সাথে এখানে আপডেট করা হবে।
ওয়ারলেস অপারেটর এর রেজাল্ট দিবে কবে?
It will publish soon.
office sohayok er result kobe hobe???
the result for office sohayok will publish soon. on this website.
nsi এর ওয়ারলেস অপারেটর এর রেজাল্ট কবে দিব স্যার
the nsi wireless operator result will publish soon, you will find the result in here.
nsi 10.09.2021 office shohayak
exam result jobe dive
After the publication of result, we will update it here as soon as possible.. stay tuned in this website.
ওয়াচার কনেষ্টেবল রেজাল্ট কবে হতে পারে
Normally, They have published the result on the examination date. but they have not published the result yet, soon they will publish the result for watcher constable post.
কবে নাগাদ ফলাফল পওয়া যাবে?
Office sohayok er result kobe dibe
the date has not declared yet, soon they will publish the result.
ওয়াচার কন্সটেবল পদের রেজাল্ট কবে
As the NSI Authority has published the exam date for other post, which will be held on 24th September 2021. After completing all the exams. they will publish the result.
Junior field officer er result dite koto din lagte pare
Usually they published the result Within 7 days from the examination date. We will update the result as soon as it publish on the website.
ওয়াচার কন্সটেবল পদের রেজাল্ট কবে
খুব শীঘ্রই প্রকাশ করা হবে,,
Kobe dibe
the result will publish soon, save or bookmark this page for the latest update and result.
NSI Watch Constable Result Kobe pabo
The result publication date for NSI Watcher Constable will publish soon.
ওয়াচার কনস্টেবল পদের রেজাল্ট কবে দিবেন।
the result of watcher constable will publish soon.. please follow the latest update from this article..
Watcher constable MCQ RESULTS KOBE DIBE….?
The watcher constable result will publish soon… they are now preparing the result for publication..
অফিস সহায়ক পদের রেজাল্ট কবে দেবে
রেজাল্ট দেওয়ার সময় খুব শীঘ্রই প্রকাশিত হবে।,,,
Wireless operator 2021 er result Kobe dibe?
The NSI Wireless Operator 2021 result will publish soon on the website.
Wireless operators এর রেজাল্ট কবে দিবে??
The result for wireless operator has not been published yet, soon the authority will publish the exam result/.
ওয়াললেস অপারেটর এর রেজাল্ট কবে দিবে
cnp wireless operator result will publish soon…
জুনিয়র ফিল্ড অফিসার রেজাল্ট কবে দিবে,,?
Watcher constable result kobe dibe
very soon, they will publish the exam result
Watcher constable result kobe dibe
soon, they will publish the exam result
24/09/2021 er junior field officer post er result kobe dibe?
When they published office sohayok mcq result2021?
Watcher constable ar result kobe dibe
How many times published about junior field officer result????? Tell me please
Watcher constable result kobe dibe
When will be published Junior field officer exam result?Please tell us….or has the result published??
No the result has not published yet ,, but soon they will publish the exam result.
Junior field officer and Field officer mcq exm result koby deby
Very soon, the actual date has not declared yet..
NSI Field officer result ki hoice ?
yes,, you can download nsi field officer exam result from the above links
how many posts are for wireless operator?