All Public University Online Exams: The Ministry of education and the UGC may take a decision to take online exams for all public universities for the academic session of 2020-21.
In addition to the online examination process, the superintendents of public universities will hold discussions with the UGC next Thursday.
Professor Muhammad Alamgir, a member of the UGC, told the different news media, “The UGC is considering the issue of online assessment of students in all public universities. We are not in the process of conducting an assessment at the public university.” We cannot remain silent in the face of this uncertain epidemic.”
He added, “However, I will rely on the universities to decide on the issue of online exams, so that the final decision on this issue will not be taken by the private academic council or the concerned authorities.”

Due to the epidemic, the government announced the closure of all educational institutions from March 16 last year, but public universities have continued to offer online classes.
The deadline for closing down educational institutions has been extended by several steps to May 23.
According to UGC Statistics, there are 49 public universities in the country. Apart from National Universities, Three are Islamic Universities and Open Universities in Bangladesh, about three lakh students are studying in the rest of the universities.
A committee has been formed to work out a draft guideline on how to take the test online, UGC said. The committee is already preparing a draft guideline. The draft will be presented at a meeting on Thursday.
According to Notice, the students of the public university completed the Theoretical Exams, but the final exams in the semesters have not been held yet.
It has been mentioned that in ‘Creative Assignment’, ‘Creative Quiz / MCQ Question’ (Multiple Choice Questions) will done through online test and by taking part in ‘Timely Class Test’ and ‘Oral Test’, The University will given the students the passing grades. There will be a ceremony
A member of the online exams Committee said, “Universities can select all or two or three Method to take the online exams if they want to.” However, students will have to keep the camera and microphone on of the device while taking the test online.
The committee member added, “The UGC will ensure the acceptability of the tests and take care the students so that no student is harmed.” Students need to keep a close eye on the lack of digital devices, access to the Internet and the use of any means during the exams.
Professor Mohammad Rafqil Alam, president of the University of Engineering and Technology (CUET) in Bangladesh, said,
“There are advantages and disadvantages to online exams. But how long will we stay in this epidemic?” In this case, the lack of digital devices and the lack of access to the Internet, there are some other restrictions. We have to remove these restrictions, he said.
Alamgir said that they will not discuss these issues with the superintendent.
The UGC said in December last year that public universities could conduct final examinations at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in accordance with the decision of their respective academic councils if they wished to be healthier.
At the same time, the students of different public universities have decided to take the exams to avoid the sessions and to ensure that the students are eligible to take part in the next BCS exams.
Due to covid-19 Corona Virus, The Ministry of education, UGC and The directors is come to a decision to take an online admission test for all public universities to evaluate the students for the academic session of 2020-21.
Without a proper guideline, you may fail to participate in these online exams for all public universities online admission test.
For that, We have prepare a complete guideline on how the online admission will take place and how to participate in the online admission test virtually through online exams.
Make sure to follow the guideline step by step.
What is Online Admission Test (Online Exams):
Online Admission Test is a process to take and give exam online for the all public universities. Means, Students need to participate in the exams in virtually for all public universities admission test.
What type of exams will take in These online admission test:
According to the UGC and Online Admission Committee A Numerous different types of exams can be conducted online.
For the admission test, Creative Assignment’, ‘Creative Quiz / MCQ Question’ (Multiple Choice Questions) will done through online test.
How to Participate in the Virtual Online Admission Test:
The UGC has not come to a decision how they will conduct the admission test.
But the previous examination records and other statistics we have come to a decision that, The UGC will hold the admission test through Google Meet, Google Classroom and workplace apps.
They can also build a custom software to take the online exams for the admission test of all public universities.
To participate in the virtual online exams, students will need a microphone, camera or that kind of device.
Students can also use their smartphone for that purpose.