Agriculture University Admission Result 2020-21: Cluster Based Agriculture University admission test result will available after the admission Test on admission page.
In the academic year of 2020-21, Seven Public Universities offers degree in Agriculture Science has form a cluster to take the admission test.
The seven agriculture universities are Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka (SAU), Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, (BSMRAU) and Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet (SAU)
To sit for the admission test, Applicants have to be on the eligible list. That said, In a cluster based admission test of Agriculture Universities not all applicants will be able to sit the admission test.
An eligible list will publish after the primary application. only valid candidates can sit for the exam and download the admit card.
The online application for the admission test will take place on March 2021- April 2021. Students will find the application form online at admission portal.
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Let’s dive it in:
Agriculture University Admission 2020-21
Seven Agriculture Universities is now inviting application to get admission in agriculture science programs in Bangladesh for the academic session of 2020-21. The admission circular is now available at
On the admission circular, Applicants will find the application eligibility/requirements, application process, payment method, how to apply for the admission, check eligible list, valid candidates list, download admit card, view seat plan, admission test, marks distribution and how to check admission test result.
Online Application Requirements/Eligibility
To apply for admission in Bangladesh Agricultural Universities, They will need the below qualification:
- HSC Passing Year 2019 or 2020.
- SSC or equivalent Passing Year 2017 or 2018.
- Minimum Total GPA: 8.00 (Without Fourth/Optional Subjects)
- Minimum Separate GPA in each Examination: 3.50.
Note: Candidates should have Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics subjects from Science Group in SSC and HSC equivalent examinations.
Agriculture University Admit Card Download
The date for uploading pictures and downloading tickets has been extended till 5th November, 2021 . Anyone who does not download the admit card by this date, they will not be able to download the admit card.
Agriculture University Admission Test:
The exam date for the Session of 2020-21 of the Cluster Based Agriculture University is- 27 November 2021.
Students now can download the admit card and check the list of eligible candidates from the website.
Eligible List for Admission Test:
Based on the total marks obtained in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics of SSC / Equivalent and SSC / Equivalent examinations, 10 times the number of seats have been selected for the admission test.
Only those applicants with a total score of 1038 or above will be eligible to take part in the admission test. The respective results can be known by login on to the website.
All the applicants who are not getting the opportunity to take part in the admission test will be reimbursed at the same time after the Central Admission Committee fixes the date of refund on the given mobile banking number.
List of Agriculture Universities and Total Seats:
Serial No | University Name | Seat Number |
1 | Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh | 1108 |
2 | Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Agricultural University, Gazipur | 330 |
3 | Sher-E-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka | 700 |
4 | Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet | 431 |
5 | Patuakhali Science and Technology, University | 587 |
6 | Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University | 245 |
7 | Khulna Agricultural University | 245 |
Total Seat Number | 3551 |
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Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
Faculty/Institute | Programs | Seats |
Veterinary | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M) | 191 |
Agricultural | B.Sc in Agriculture (Hons) | 320 |
Animal Science | B.Sc in Animal Husbandry (Hons) | 191 |
Agri Economics and Rural Social Science | B.Sc in Agricultural Economics (Hons) | 106 |
Agriculture Engineering and Technical | B.Sc in Agricultural Engineering | 100 |
Agriculture Engineering and Technical | B.Sc in Food Engineering | 50 |
Fisheries | B.Sc in Fisheries (Hons) | 120 |
Interdisciplinary Institute for Food Security | B.Sc in Food Safety Management | 30 |
Bangbandhu Sheikh Mujibor Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur
Faculty/Institute | Programs | Seats |
Agriculture | B.Sc in Agriculture | 110 |
Fisheries | B.Sc in Fisheries | 60 |
Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science | D.V.M (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) | 60 |
Agriculture Economics and Rural Development | B.S (Agricultural Economics) | 100 |
Sherebangla Agricultural University, Dhaka
Faculty/Institute | Programs | Seats |
Agriculture | B.Sc in Agriculture | 387 |
Agribusiness Management | BBA in Agribusiness | 71 |
Agribusiness Management | B.Sc In Agriculture Economics (Hons) | 71 |
Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine | B.Sc in Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry | 114 |
Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Science | B.Sc in Fisheries (Hons) | 61 |
Sylhet Agricultural University
Faculty/Institute | Programs | Seats |
Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Science | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M) | 100 |
Agriculture | B.Sc in Agriculture | 88 |
Fisheries | B.Sc in Fisheries (Hons) | 75 |
Agriculture Economics and Business Studies | B.Sc in Agricultural Economics (Hons) | 64 |
Agriculture Engineering and Technical | B.Sc in Agricultural Engineering | 64 |
Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering | B.Sc in Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering | 40 |
Patuakhali Science and Technology University
Faculty/Institute | Programs | Seats |
Agriculture | B.Sc in Agriculture (Hons) | 227 |
Fisheries | B.Sc in Fisheries (Hons) | 72 |
Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine | 72 |
Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine | B.Sc in Animal Husbandry (Hons) | 72 |
Disaster Management | B.Sc in Disaster Management (Hons) | 72 |
Nutrition and Food Science | B.Sc in Nutrition and Food Science (Hons) | 72 |
Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University
Faculty/Institute | Programs | Seats |
Veterinary Medicine | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M) | 100 |
Food Science and Technology | B.Sc in Food Science and Technology (Hons) | 80 |
Fisheries | B.Sc in Fisheries (Hons) | 65 |
Khulna Agricultural University
Faculty/Institute | Programs | Seats |
Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Science | B.Sc in Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry | 30 |
Agriculture | B.Sc in Agriculture (Hons) | 30 |
Fisheries and Ocean Science | B.Sc in Fisheries (Hons) | 30 |
Agricultural Economics and Agri-Busniess Studies | B.Sc in Agricultural Economics (Hons) | 30 |
Agricultural Engineering and Technology | B.Sc in Agricultural Engineering | 30 |
Agriculture University Admission Result 2021:
The Admission Authority will publish the admission test result of seven public agriculture universities on the official admission website
Students will find the result from this website and can search their result by inputting the admission roll number in the admission result box.
There will be multiple merit list and waiting list for the admission in agriculture university.
The admission result will publish on July, 2021. Now, Students can know how to check the agriculture university admission result online.
To Check Cluster Based Agricultural Universities Admission Result:
- Visit-
- Tap on admission result
- Input the admission roll number
- Now, Check the result.

Frequently Asked Question:
3419 seats are available for admission in Cluster System Admission in Agricultural University.
To get Agriculture University Merit List, Visit- and login with the user id and password.
Interested Candidates can apply through online at Cluster System Admission website for Agriculture University which is
Simply, Login with the User id and Password at to check the cluster based agriculture university admission result.