Class 8 Assignment Answer 2022 1st Week: Directorate of secondary and higher secondary education is published the 1st Week Class 8 Assignment Answer and notice the students to submit the assignment to the College.
DSHE is published the Class 8 First Week Assignment Question on 6th February 2022. Students are advised to download the notice from the website, check the instruction and assignment grid, collect the question papers, write the assignment and submit it to the colleges.
In March 2021, The DSHE is first published the assignment notice for class 8 on The assignment is started on 6th February 2022.
They have to collect the assignment question at the first day of the week then submit it to the colleges at the end of the each week. It is a continuous process for 20-25 weeks from 2022.
The students can submit the assignment both online and offline to the schools. The guardian can also submit the assignment to the schools.
Class 8 Assignment 2022
The ministry of education has started publishing the assignment from March 2022 session in the website. Students can check the assignment list, questions and other material by visiting the official website of
Only those candidates who have submitting their assignment will able to get promoted to next class. Students need to achieve at least good remarks by the school authority or teachers in the submitting assignment answers.
Read the complete articles to know the class eight assignment question, answers, submitting process to colleges and getting a satisfactory score for the assignment.
Latest Updates for the Assignment: মাধ্যমিক ও উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা অধিদপ্তর ২০২২ সালের অষ্টম শ্রেণীর ১ম সপ্তাহের অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট আজ (৬ই অক্টোবর) প্রকাশিত হয়েছে। অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট এর উত্তর এই পোস্টে আপডেট করা হবে।
Class Eight 1st Week Assignment 2022
- Assignment Publication Date: 6th February 2022
- Submission Timeframe: Within 1 Weeks (Contact to the respective colleges)
- Assigned Subjects: Bangla and Mathematics
How to Download Class 8 Assignment 2022
The steps to download the assignment are given below. Candidates can download their assignment questions papers easily by following these steps:
Steps to check class 8 assignment questions and notice:
- Step 1: Visit official link (
- Step 2: tap on view all notice
- Step 3: click on assignment 8 (1st Week)
- Step 4: A new window will open with the notice and download options.
- Step 5: Candidate may save the documents to mobile, pc or any other devices or take a printout of the assignment questions.
Class 8 Assignment Answer 2022
DSHE is published the Weekly Assignment work and question for the students of Class 8 on Students can download the assignment question from the official website.
They will find here in both image or pdf file of the assignment question. They will also find here a sample assignment answer of the assignment question.
1st Week Class 8 Assignment Answer 2022
On 6th February 2022, Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education is published the Class 8 Assignment for 1st week in pdf file on
They have assigned Bangla, Mathematics Assignment Question in pdf file for the students of class 8. Students now can check the assignment question with answer from below. They can view and download the assignment answer from here.
1st Week Class 8 Bangla Assignment Answer
DSHE is published the 1st Week Bangla Assignment Question for the academic year of 2022 on 6th February 2022. The assignment is available on the website. The 1st Week Bangla Assignment Work is- চারপাশের পশু পাখির প্রতি দায়িত্ব নিরূপণ।

Instruction for writing the assignment answer: চারপাশে যেসব পশু-পাখি দেখা যায় তার তালিকা তৈরি করতে হবে। পশু-পাখির প্রতি কোন কোন ধরনের আচরণ দেখা যায়, তা লিখতে হবে। ‘অতিথির স্মৃতি’ গল্পে পশুর প্রতি নির্মমতার যে চিত্র আছে তার বিবরণ দিতে হবে। পশু-পাখির প্রতি কোন ধরনের দায়িত্ব পালন করা উচিত, তা লিখতে হবে ।
Assignment Answer:

1st Week Class 8 mathematics Assignment Work is- সরল মুনাফা ও চক্রবৃদ্ধি মুনাফার আন্তঃসম্পর্ক নির্ণয় কর।

Assignment Answer

Writing the Class Eight Assignment Answer 2022
Candidates can find the assignment questions paper mentioned on the assignment how to download the assignment 2022 sections.
It is advised that candidates can check these details carefully, get a proper guideline from here or the teachers of the respective subjects.
Candidates will need these information to write the assignment answers:
- Students Information (Name, roll, Section, Class etc.)
- Assignment Titles and Subjects
- Code for the subjects
- Submission Date
- Assignment Questions.
How to collect or write the assignment answers ?
The process of collecting or writing the assignment answers generally takes some time. Candidates will get 6 days to submitting their assignments for the first week.
In this short span of time, students need to collect the assignment, write the assignment. For that, they may use the text book provided by NCTB or use the internet for help.
However, it is advised that candidates should write their assignment on their own. Because the teachers will be evaluated on this very fact. It will also help you to grow further more for the development of the students and prepare for any upcoming exams.
They should keep an photocopies of their assignments attested by the schools. Fulfilling these steps will ensure that in case of discrepancies, candidates have enough evidence to support their claims that they have indeed submitted their assignments.
Students are required to submit their assignments before the end of the day of each week. They can take a quick look at how to submit the assignments. Following these procedures will ensure that candidates fulfill all the formalities from their own side and not hinder their assignment.
Some Important Notes:
- The last date of submission of the assignment for week is within 7 days.
- It is compulsory to submit the assignment before the end of the deadline.
- Candidates are advised to keep a copy of assignment response for future references.
- Candidates need to submit their assignments as per the deadline mentioned on the assignment and get the results from the schools.
- The schools may take some time to publish the assignment. Therefore, Candidates have to wait the result.
- Since assignments are a crucial part of the evaluation of the promotion, Student should ensure that they submit all the assignments within time to have a positive impact of the study process and promotion to the next class.
- They will only evaluate by outstanding, average, good and needs improvement remarks from the assigned teachers for the class 8 assignment by the head of the schools.
Class Eight Assignment Answer FAQs:
Yes, the assignment is compulsory for the promotion to the next class.
No, There is not have any such things, As the students will be evaluated by remarks of the teachers.
Students can check the assignment questions papers on or